NINETEEN>> No Business Of Mine

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The sky was still ink blue and the birds hadn't come out of their nests to hunt for food to feed their offspring. My large bedroom now appeared like a rattrap, it was dark and I was left alone with that black file that laid dead next to a water jug. I hadn't opened the file to check the profile of the next candidate, not because I hadn't had enough time, it was just because I felt a little lazy to do it.

Awash by the spectrum of beaming light emanating from the laptop in my study, I blinked to keep my eyes open as I watched a couple of draggy episodes of criminal shows with the hope of any suitable idea illuminating my outdated brain.

I got a hunch that maybe somebody could help me, and I perpetrated near my bedside table to fetch my phone. I dialed Taehyung's number and he answered after two rings. "Hello, baby?" His thick voice bore a red flag, and I mildly succumbed to pitch any good ideas from him because he was lying in repose. Gosh, I can't disturb him in his sleep.

"Hey, are you sleeping?" I knew this was the most disingenuous thing to ask, but I couldn't think of anything.

"Well, I was just lying down after filling three buckets of water for bathing and cleaning utensils." He yawned and continued, "Today, after 12, they are cutting down water supply because of an outburst of some pipe in the locality. And then there were fluctuations in the electricity meter, which is why I had to use a hand fan to drift to sleep." He was just so comfortable in his poverty-hit crisis.

"Oh, I see that's quite a lot to deal with. Anyways, you called me last night but I was busy watching a movie. Uncle Mojo and Molan were around at that time." I dipped my head as I bit my nails. "And then, I went out to meet a friend that's why I couldn't reply to you."

"How was it?" his voice now was more open and sultry.

I gasped after hearing his voice shooting an octave high. "What? Meeting with the friend or the movie?" My expressions were hit hard at that. There was an expansive amount of resentment spilling over the matter of staying in touch with Jimin given Taehyung didn't know anything about us. I must tell him about my formidable decision of bro-zoning him.

"Hanuel . . . just say anything. I want to keep on hearing you. Baby?"

I opened my mouth in shock after realizing he was creeping into a different mood. "Ah, Tae, I would love to talk with you for 24 hours, or more. But──" I laughed slyly and coughed to announce the forthcoming serious topic. "I need a little help of yours."

"Okay. Give me twenty minutes──"

"No! No! Taehyung just give me some ideas over the phone." I latched on, despite knowing he wouldn't be the best person to offer a fabricated, sly, fraudulent plan as to oust the chances of meeting with the rest of the boys and settling on the latest target.

After a long session of scraping each other's minds, he finally spoke, "How about you invite him to our mansion?"

I felt airy and jotted down a line on my diary. His idea sent a satisfying blanket of goosebumps on my arms. "No damn external factor will interfere in my plan if everything happens under tight surveillance of Uncle Mojo and me," I murmured with a straight face. "YAAS! That sounds great! Baby, I love you to the moon and back! Can't wait to shower you with kisses, Tae bae . . . Muaahh!"

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