t w e n t y

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The entire room began to stir frantically at the sound of Ron's scream.

Fred jumped up straight away, drawing back the thick velvet curtains and pushing himself out of bed in a rush. George, who must have also recognised the familiar scream, was frantically pulling on a Weasley jumper that had been previously disregarded under his bed.

Persephone looked around as the other boys groggily stepped out of bed, not quite understanding what exactly was going on. Lee was just getting out of bed, looking around at the other three. He was shirtless but wearing a thick pair of Gryffindor house sweatpants. He smiled lightly when he saw Persephone, but then looking down, opted to put on a shirt, which she was thankful for.

Japer, on the other hand, had just poked his head out of the curtains hung around his bed. "What is going on?" he yawned, looking around curiously at the sight of them.

"I have a feeling Sirius Black was here," muttered Fred, as he continued to rush around the room.

Maybe Persephone wasn't dreaming. Had Sirius Black seriously snuck into the castle, yet again? Evaded not only dementors but also countless enchantments and protective barriers.

"We need to check on Ron," said George as he leaned against the doorway.

Fred nodded, quickly exiting the room to be by his brothers' side. Not knowing exactly what to do, Persephone followed. Climbing up more stairs until they reached the room with "Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley" written on the chalkboard.

Opening the door, they noticed four of the boys crowded around Ron's bed. Ron, who was in a midst of panic, looked towards his brothers for comfort. As they entered, Persephone noticed numerous doors opening, countless lights turning on across the common room. Even some of the girls came spilling out of their room, wrapping up their dressing gowns and yawning. A few people yelled, but as she noticed Ron, all her attention turned on him.

"S-S-S-Sirius B-Black" muttered Ron, pointing to his destroyed bed hangings, "with a knife. Right here, with a knife." 

The common room went still. Seamus, who was fiddling with the fire in the middle of the room, paused, turning to look at the terrified boy.

Percy, who stood at the head of Ron's bed, scoffed. "Nonsense, you've had too much to eat Ronald, had a nightmare."

"Persephone saw him too, in our dormitory," said Fred, "about five or ten minutes ago."

Percy turned to face her, finally noticing her presence. "You're not a Gryffindor?" he questioned, staring her up and down.

"I think there are more pressing matters than what house Persephone is in right now, Percy" sighed George, scratching his head as he leant against Harry's bed frame, "I think the fact that a wild, Azkaban escapee, murderer, crazy man tried to stab our brother, is a tad more important than a Hufflepuff being here."

Persephone blushed.

"Hello, yes, me! The one who almost got stabbed by the wild, Azkaban escapee, murderer, crazy man!" blurted Ron, waving his arms around.

Just as he finished, the doors burst open, revealing a very bedraggled McGonnagal. Her face held a very angry expression as she stormed in, a tartan dressing gown trailing behind her, her hair up in hot pink rollers. "What in Merlin is going on here!"

"My brother had a nightmare," groaned Percy, "he thinks that Sirius Black tried to stab him."


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