t h r e e

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With a cup of piping hot chamomile in her hand, she sighed loudly as her Father paced back and forth through his new office. The Grindlylow in the corner gave her sour look at the noise, causing her to retreat to the other side of the circular room. Despite it's captivity in the tank, Persephone did not trust the water demon one bit.

Remus eventually stopped pacing, coming to a halt in front of his desk. "How do you get a detention on your first day?".

"Quite easily actually?" Persephone replied in a questioning tone, not being able to read how angry her father actually was, or how far she could pull him along for.

"Persephone Coraline Lupin, I am not joking around."

Suddenly, it became apparent that Remus was actually quite angry, meaning she had to be serious and apologetic to avoid any more punishment. "Sorry?"

He lifted his head and gave her a warning glance, causing her to groan loudly. "We have been over this Dad, I was just protecting my house. I am sick of people acting like Hufflepuffs are stupid pushovers, so I did something about it. Will I have to face this consequence with a detention? Yes. But was it worth it to see Fred and George Weasley actually lost for words for once.? Yes."

A sad smile began to creep onto the face of Remus Lupin as he stared at his daughter. "You are so like your Mother it hurts me sometimes."

Persephone didn't know what to say to this, left speechless, she approached her Father and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Merlin's beard is that the time? You need to get to bed before curfew, unless you want another detention." Looking at the ancient clock in the corner of the room, Persephone gasped at how quick the time went as she sat with her father as they both completed work and talked about their first day back at Hogwarts. She was glad to hear how much Remus had enjoyed being back at the place that brought him so many memories, even though it brought along some sad memories and reminders. "He looks so much like James, but with eyes as green and beautiful as Lilly." He had said as he recounted his meeting with Harry Potter, the son of his once best friends.

The corridor was dark and dimly lit as she made her way back down to the Hufflepuff common room. She had a few minutes before she had to be in her room, so intentionally took her time, going the long way through the seventh corridor to see the beautiful view of the Black Lake at night time, lit up by the half full moon. With the whispered spell of 'Lumos', her wand shined just enough so she could successfully make it back without falling down a trick step. She could hear the mischievous cackle of Peeves laughter in the distance, followed by a loud bang and the angry yells of Filch. A mysteriously foul smell wafted through her nose, which she immediately recognised as the dung bombs the Weasley twins were so fond of.

As she was making her way down the corridor, past the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy and the dancing trolls, she heard the echo of footsteps running behind her. Turning around, all she could see was a lone lanky red headed Gryffindor, sprinting down the hallway. Red faced and panting, Fred Weasley quickly paced back and forth passed the opposite blank wall.

Out of nowhere, a large ornate door appeared. Persephone began to open her mouth to ask what in Merlin's beard was going on, but she was interrupted by a hushed and frantic whisper. "Don't talk."

"Where did you go Weasley?" called the wrathful voice of Filch, "I'll get you this time."

His footsteps could be heard running up the corridor, getting closer by the second. A warm hand swiftly grabbed her own, which she pulled away just as fast. Fred groaned loudly, gripping both of her shoulders with his abnormally large hands, "One last chance before I disappear and you are left to tell Filch why you bombed his office with dung bombs!" He looked to his left, to see Peeves approaching the pair, calling out "oh Filchy, they're up here."

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