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"It's been a week, you know that right?" Klara said as she copied down answers from Persephone's homework onto her own roll of parchment.

Persephone looked down to her friend, confusion painted across her face. The pair were sprawled out in the spot in the common room adopted by the group in their first year. Persephone took position stretching across the squishy sofa, wrapped like a burrito in the yellow woolen blanket usually draped across her bed. Klara, on the other hand, was seated with her legs crossed on a large beanbag, eagle feather quill in hand.

"It's as if you think I've forgotten" she called again, "It's been a week of you not telling me the truth of what happened that night. This cone of silence has thus left me no other choice, I am going to ask Roger Davies."

Letting out a rather loud groan, Persephone leaned forward, picking up her sheet of parchment explaining the medicinal properties of dittany. "There goes your homework privileges."

Klara let out a yell of disagreement, catching the attention of both Cedric and Augustus as they made their way through the doorway, hair wild and side-swept from Quiditch practice. Exchanging a few words between them, the boys split, Cedric making his way to his dormitory and Augustus moving towards the familiar nook. Flinging himself onto the sofa, he leaned his warm head upon the shoulder of his friend.

"Cedric has gone up to change out of his quiditch training stuff, he'll be down in a sec."

She nodded. "That would be my cue to leave then. I need to get my scarf and some attire more suited for a detention with Hagrid on the grounds."

"But girl, I need to finish this essay! Herbology and healing is literally what you want to do for the rest of your life, share some guidance!"

Getting to her feet and ignoring her friends cries, she made her way through the bumbling room into her smaller dormitory. Freya and Kamaria, the two girls Klara and Persephone shared a room with, were lying on their beds, and they smiled as she made her way into the room. Greeting the girls, she reached up to pull down the yellow scarf hanging from the poster bed before leaning down and picking up her thick woolen cardigan. Ugly - but warm.

Adjusting the cardigan on her shoulders, Persephone said a quick "good bye" to her roommates as she made it back into the common room. Meeting Cedric as he also exited his dormitory, the two exited the circular den.

The night was dark and cold as both Cedric and Persephone made their way from the Hufflepuff common room. With her wavy brown hair in a ponytail and herself wrapped in numerous woolly layers, she was ready and equip for her detention at the Black Lake.

"Did they say what you're doing?" asked Cedric.

Persephone shook her head. "No clue. Just that I'm with Hagrid? Dumbledore wanted to make sure that was the case because Sirius Black keeps getting sighted closer and closer to Hogwarts."

She wasn't that scared about Sirius Black. Hogwarts was one of the safest places in the country, especially with her Dad here. She was more afraid of the water contained within the Black Lake - a grand vastness of nothing but water. Unforgiving, volatile, ever changing water.

"Well," started Ced, "I'm down here." Persephone followed his gaze, grimacing at the dark corridor leading down to the dungeons where he would no doubtfully have to put up with the merciful Snape.

"Good luck."

Letting out a quick chuckle, he turned on his feet and began to walk down the eerie corridor, leaving her standing by herself next to a large suit of shining silver armor.

She was alone for only a moment, The sound of footsteps soon echoed behind her, and she turned to be faced with the grinning faces of both Fred and George Weasley. Illuminated by the flickering yellow light of a near by candle, she watched as they made their way over to her.

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