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The days faded into weeks as Halloween slowly approached the Hogwarts castle, the cold and windy weather rolling in for the winter season.

An especially gusty wind blew over, causing an eruption of goosebumps across Persephone's pale and freckled arms and prompting her to pull her crimson red woolen jumper further over her gloved hands.

"it's a tad chilly" shivered Klara as she burrowed herself further underneath the arm of Augustus, who smiled at her admiringly. Persephone and Augustus shared a knowing glance. Like usual, the pair couldn't stop touching each other – gravitating towards each other like magnets.

The group comprised of the four Hufflepuffs made their way down the bustling gravel path, headed in the direction of Hogsmeade.

"Can we go to Honeydukes first?" questioned Augustus, "They stopped doing exploding bonbons through owl delivery since that owl accidentally ran into that muggle egglicey pole and caused that explosion and I think I am having legitimate withdrawals.".

Persephone couldn't help but laugh, "Its elec-tric-ity Gus."

He scoffed, "yeah that's what I said."

Out of the group of four, it was highly evident that Augustus had the biggest sweet tooth. She could still remember their first Hogsmeade trip, when they entered the cavity inducing store and he almost went mental. Running around, mouth open, buying one of everything, even the blood pops and pepper imps (still laying abandoned in the bottom of his trunk). She could also still vividly remember that night, when he was too sick to move, resorting to sleeping in the common room with a bucket.

The group made their way down the High Street, stopping in front of the brightly coloured building. Persephone lingered outside, the sweet, sickly smell almost instantly giving her a headache. She loved sweets, don't get the wrong idea, but the store was like a slap in the face from a bag of sugar.

Delving her hand into her jean pockets, she pulled out an few knuts and sickles, handing them to Cedric.

"Just the usual stash?" he questioned, which she replied to with a quick nod and appreciative smile.

Positioning herself on a wooden bench, she allowed her eyes to travel over the busy street. Her eyes focused on the familiar face of Neville Longbottom, who was juggling a large bag of sweets, a bag from Zonko's, and his toad Trevor.

Just as she was about to wave him over, someone sat down next to her on both sides. Without looking, she already knew who it was. "Hi Fred, Hi George." She greeted, a smile subconsciously creeping upon her face.

"You didn't even look up?!" cried George

"Yeah, how did you know it was us?" piped Fred.

"Well most people aren't followed by the lingering smell of dung-bombs"

Both twins gasped in fake horror, putting their hands up to their mouths.

"Dung-bombs? Us? Fred and George Weasley?"

"I'm joking I'm joking!"

Persephone couldn't help but laugh, finally looking next to her to see the two mischievous twins. They were both in matching red jumpers with their respective initials and had large Zonko bags at their feet.

With a sigh, she pointed down at the overflowing bags. "Do I even want to know?"

The boys shrugged in response, "A bit of fun for Halloween night, nothing wrong with that."

"Will Filch want to murder the two of you after this Halloween fun?"

The pair sniggered, "Can it even be considered fun if Filch doesn't want to kill us by the end of it Georgie?"

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