s e v e n t e e n

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+ hiiii, dis part contains underage drinking. i will include a summary at the end of this chapter for anyone who doesnt feel comfortable reading <3 +

The bright white moon continued to rise over the snowy Hogwarts ground as the group began to settle down in the Astronomy Tower. Three bottles of fire-whiskey (one courtesy of the twins), sat on a small table in the middle of the students, surrounded by an abundance of snacks stolen from the kitchens. With everyone a few drinks in, the night was already turning out to be an interesting one.

Persephone sat in-between Cedric and Fred, which proved to be a stupid mistake on her behalf, as they both kept trying to make conversation with her without the other boy involved.

"How about we play a game?" suggested Augustus, leaning forward to grab a handful of Bertie Bots Beans. He cringed as he gazed into his palm, flicking away the questionably coloured beans into the corner of the room.

George turned his gaze towards Gus with a comical grin. "Game? What are we, second year?"

Reaching into his pocket, Augustus pulled out a small, clear vial containing what appeared to be water. He held it up, smirking widely.

Fred instantly sat up, removing his hand from its position resting upon Persephone's outstretched leg. Holding out his hand, he motioned to the Hufflepuff boy to hand him the vial, which he inspected it for a second before handing it to his brother.

"Is that-"


Gus nodded, the smirk remaining engraved onto his face.

"How?" questioned Fred admirably, his eyes bouncing back and forth between the other students and the vial.

"Let's just say having a Ministry potioneer as a brother has its perks..."

If 'golden boys' were a thing, Miles Button was one. Hufflepuff prefect, Hogwarts head boy, captain of the Quiditch team and now set to become one of the youngest heads of the Potions Department at the Ministry. He was also undeniably good looking, and had a knack for mischief that rivaled even the Twins.

"Wicked" muttered the twins at the same time, before they both downed the rest of the amber coloured liquid within their glasses. The other four followed suit, emptying their glasses as well.

"Okay, hand me your cups." called Klara, popping the cap on a new bottle before pouring a few centimetres into the bottom of each glass and filling them up the rest of the way with pumpkin juice. With one final touch, she added a few drops of the potion into each cup, before handing the vial back to Gus.

Cedric looked down into the contents of his cup questionably, "downing it in one go?"

"Why not?" shrugged Persephone, before tipping the contents of the cup down her throat. Thankfully, the Veritaserum was tasteless, and it wasn't long before the group began to feel its effects.

"So just regular truth and dare?" George questioned, placing his empty cup on the table next to him.

"Yeah but the spicy version..." joked Klara with a giggle as she poured everyone new drinks.

The game kicked off immediately, with Augustus first being dared to skull the remnants of his cup by George.

"Fred, truth or dare." cringed Gus, still trying to get over the hot flames he could feel in his stomach from the fire whiskey.

"Ah, truth."

"You are aware you are under Vertaserum and if you say anything that Persephone shouldn't be hearing we will throw you out of the tower?" reminded Klara, eyeing him suspiciously.

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