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"I just still don't understand how both yourself and Remus managed to fall asleep in his office" laughed Augustus as the group sat in a circle next to the Black Lake. Klara, who was attempting to cast the bluebell fire charm, chuckled alongside him. "Benthium."

Persephone shrugged as she watched the blue sparks from her friends wand ignite into a bright blue flame.

"We were just talking and I was too tired to walk back so he just let me stay" she lied. Picking up her wand, she said "aguamenti", causing a steady flow of water to cascade from her wand. As the water poured over the flames, they fizzled out with a fog of navy smoke. Klara sighed, "close but no cigar i'm afraid."

Cedric was crouched over at the water's edge with his head in the submerged in the lake, testing out the bubble-head charm from their latest lesson. His head dripping with water, he surfaced, popping the bubble with the tip of his wand. Getting to his feet, he walked over to the large willow tree to sit with the rest of the group. "That could come in handy one day"

"When would you need to have a fish bowl head" questioned Klara doubtfully as she attempted yet again to cast the spell.

"I don't know, I bet some situation will come up where I need to swim in the Black Lake. Anyways what were we talking about?"

"We were talking about the suspicious circumstances that caused miss Persephone Caroline to return to the dormitories at four am this morning."

Persephone groaned loudly. "You know my Dad is a snorer. I woke up early and his honking meant I couldn't get back to sleep, so I came back to my own quiet bed. But Klara wouldn't shut up anyways so I only got another hour or so."

The others looked her up and down suspiciously.

"Do we have an alibi on Roger Davies yet?" joked Augustus, obviously not believing her lies.

Persephone rolled her blue eyes grudgingly. "I've told you a million times, I'll tell you again. I was not with Roger Davies."

"I think we should be watching you a bit more baby Persi, sneaking off into hidden corridors and hiding spots is usually my expertise. But you and Rodger, I can see that."

Cedric flipped a page of his fifth year Standard Book of Spells. "Come on guys, she's obviously uncomfortable"

Persephone gave Cedric a warm and thankful smile. She was glad this conversation was over, but it was apparent the other two, were not.

Klara looked directly into the eyes of her best friend, gripping he shoulder firmly. "I will find out what you are hiding."

Persephone laughed and pulled away. She cast a quick incantation, letting her wand tip point to the time.

It wasn't that Persephone didn't want her friends to find out about what happened with Fred, it was that she knew what their reactions would be. Augustus would probably say some dirty joke, and then apologise profusely when he realised how inappropriate it was, Cedric would probably get upset with her for being friendly with someone who had so blatantly disrespected their house, and Klara would just be Klara; ask a million probing questions and ultimately not understand how probing they actually were.  

The red scarf was still hidden within her trunk, concealed in a pair of her Dad's fuzzy socks that she knew wasn't going to be noticed lurking around the bottom. 

"Time to head off" Persephone informed the others as she look towards the makeshift clock, "Klara, we've got Muggle Studies, boys, you've got Care of Magical Creatures - tell Hagrid that i'm thinking of him with all the Hippogriff drama."

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