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"But Dad, are you sure you don't need me to help?" asked Persephone, looking forward at her dishevelled looking Father as he took a sip from the thick and steaming wolfsbane potion that was prepared by Snape. 

"You worry too much Persi, I have done this transformation many moons before." 

"Doesn't mean its still not scary" muttered Persephone just loud enough for her father to hear. She also thought this statement was kind of ironic, considering she got most of her anxious tendencies from her father himself, and considering the circumstances for her anxiety. He was transforming for Merlin's sake. 

Sighing quietly, he pulled her onto his lap, hugging her tightly. Feeling safe in her fathers arms, for the first time all week, she burrowed her head into his neck, breathing in his familiar smell of fresh parchment and Honeyduke's chocolate. 

A few minutes later, she unwrapped her arms from around his neck and pulled away. "Are you coming to the Quidditch game tomorrow?" 

Remus couldn't help but give Persephone a confused yet amused smile. "Since when do you go to Quidditch when it's not Hufflepuff" 

Feeling herself turn somewhat of a pinkish tinge, she shrugged her shoulders, attempting to appear nonchalant. "To support some of my friends?"

He had a point, Persephone rarely watched Quidditch. Occasionally she would, like when the boys played their first game, or when they had a really important match, but never just for ordinary games like today's, and especially for games that Hufflepuff wasn't even playing in. 

"To watch Fred do you mean?"

"Daaaaaad!" wined Persephone, hitting him lightly across the shoulder with the black and yellow scarf draping over her own. 

"I'm just saying, " he reasoned jokingly, "I won't be acceptable by then, but hopefully it clears up for them. This weather is horrendous to be in generally, let alone when you're trying to play a game of Quidditch."

Truth be told, Fred did ask her if she wanted to come to his game against Slytherin, for some 'extra encouragement'. She was tempted to say no, sport was not her style, especially in this weather, but she caved. Gryffindor verses Slytherin matches were always extra entertaining, and she'd have Cedric and Augustus there as they always were to "scope out the competition", whatever that meant.

Deep in thought, about Quidditch, her father and Sirius  Black, she gazed outside, admiring the sound of the rain pounding relentlessly against the window pane, and the sound of the wind whooshing through the Whomping Willow. 

The pair looked outside, watching the rain pound relentlessly against the glass window pane, causing Persephone to also think about the drastic conditions the team might have to play in. 

+ + +

The fire crackled loudly from Persephone's position on her usual yellow armchair, where she was reading, wasting time before she had to brace the weather and head down to the Quidditch pitch. She sighed looking down at her watch, surely the boys would be in soon. The rain was still ever-going outside, so thick it was difficult to see the plants so abundantly placed only a meter from the window. 

Just as she pulled her head up, the pair came barrelling through the entrance and up to her place at the arm chair. Red faced and out of breath, they paused quickly, heaving to catch breath. 

 "Is everything okay?" she asked, jumping to her feet. 

"Ah, not really?" Augustus almost yelled as Cedric ran upstairs, presumably to get their brooms, "Slytherin pulled out, in this weather, so we have to play Gryffindor!" 

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