capítulo uno - "home is wherever we're together."

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Affecting millions of people a year, many fall victim to it for multiple different reasons. Drug use, bad decisions or lack there of; although some just happen to be incredibly unfortunate. Alexis and I were the perfect example of this. Neither of us did drugs, did anything wrong or were kicked out by parents or guardians. We were victims of circumstance, it was fortunate we had each other but most certainly petrifying that both of us had watched our families being slaughtered by the hands of gangs and mafias. What are you gonna do though? Living in what was dubbed 'the capital of hell on earth' it didn't just simply gets it's name, oh no, many, many years had turned the city into gang turf that was constantly being fraught over. It wasn't uncommon to find bullet and maggot ridden bodies layer to rest on sidewalks, bleeding out and staining the previously blood stained concrete. And it also wasn't uncommon to find those bodies bare of all their belongings and even at times missing organs, it was a tough life on the streets and when a wallet no longer belonged to someone if you wanted to eat that night it damn well become yours.

Being just eleven, a young woman barely on her feet now thrown into violence and perpetual terror wasn't what anyone wanted for their children. I hated it and dreamed of saving up money to try and go to school, something so I could find a way out not only for me... But Alexis.

He was, something else. He found me, running away from my parents murders and helped hide me away, he would show me the works of being on the streets and from that night onwards we were inseparable. He was so kind, making sure I was always fed even if it meant he would skip a meal or two, while I made sure he didn't try and do something too dangerous for my benefit. Often times we would talk and laugh in our special hideaway place that was right above a bakery. We would always smell the baked goods and sometimes he would even steal a loaf of bread when the going got really tough, the baker did take pity on us and sometimes did come out bringing treats or blankets. We would sneak away in the ally of the baker and a home, from behind you could climb up on the dumpster and with a small ladder we made with thrown away scraps of wood, you could make it onto his roof. He knew about this but didn't mind, and thank god for it because I didn't think there was a safer place in the city.

I closed my eyes, the night sky shimmering as I huddled in one of the many blankets we kept up here, Alex by my side as we cuddled to keep warm. It was unbearably hot durning the day, but when the sun came down and the moon lit up the sky with its numerous stars, the chilly wind came with it. Alex and I had just finished eating, he actually managed to get enough money to pay for a meal though he wouldn't say where he got the money from. Being that he only managed to afford one meal by making sure we had enough money to last us a couple more days, we shared and my god there was nothing in the world I enjoyed more than sharing a meal with him. Maybe it was the starvation speaking, but when him and I ate together fantasizing about better days and wishful futures it always warmed my heart and made absolutely anything taste like the highest class food. There was something special when he'd grin and we could share a sensation together, eat the same food, sleep under and admire the same stars... Have the same hardships and go through absolute shit together. It was therapeutic to have someone to spill all your issues to and completely understand you.

"You're like my other half Alex," I grinned to myself, breaking out of my thoughts and speaking my heart aloud. I leaned my head against his shoulder as he had an arm draped over mine protectively. "You are my other half Y/n." Confidence was spilling from him, but he wasn't in any ways arrogant with it. He knew how to turn it on and off, how much to use and when to use it. Although he could do his times tables he was extremely intelligent, knowing an escape route from every corner and seeming dead end of the city. "I'm so lucky to have you, and I can't wait to get us out of this hell." I had been assuring that for a while, but knowing he was carrying the both of us I knew I needed to hold my weight and try to get some stress off of him. So for the past couple weeks that's what I've been doing, avoiding body robbing, mugging or stealing and trying my absolute hardest to get an honest job doing something other than feed into the constant cycle of crime. No, I wouldn't let us live and fear forever. It was only a matter of time before one of us turns to one of the gangs that got us in this situation, and even if we were in debt to our lucky stars that we found each other because of it, it still was the reason that we had no one to turn to with the only pathway being... The mafia. But if I could prolong it I would, as much as possible the last thing I wanted was for my best friend to be nothing more than another statistic, another nameless bullet hole ridden body being eaten inside out by flies and striped of every last thing from locals who can't do anything else.

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