capítulo quatro - "don't gamble with a professional, cariño."

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"I don't think you should be going out with him! He's bad news, he's not allowing any of us to attend? Y/n you see how bad this seems, I don't want people that are supposed to protect both of you would have a bias towards him. He has a past of being apart of a scheme to try and overthrow your aunt, I could barely trust him as my friend, he's a manipulative traitor! How could I leave him alone with my future—..." Karl stopped himself mid sentence, a small dust of rose going over his cheeks. "—future crime boss of the whole city... Yeah, uhm... How are you supposed to overthrow the Dream Team if... If..!" He aggressively paced around while I ignored him for the most part and kept my attention to my own reflection, making sure I looked nice for tonight. "Karl..." I began, breaking eye contact with myself to watch the poor boy nervously nibble on the nail of his thumb. I came over and removed the tip of his finger from his mouth, "your nails are all pretty when they're painted too, don't ruin them over me okay? I promise you I'll be alright, don't you worry about a thing. I'll be home before twelve without a single scratch." "How can you be so sure? You've met him once I can't be sure about this..!" "I mean you're close enough with him to not mind being called Karlos, and he's just a flirt... He's not very harmful, just annoying. I'll be speaking mostly just business with him, no more gambling for me either. I'll have my phone on and kept on the table in case of anything alright? Call me if you get too worried. I'll be just fine on the other end, and when I get back we could watch that movie we've been meaning to with the rest of the men that's been working hard to protect me."

"—how about instead just you and me?" He insisted, using those large pleading eyes that I always had trouble saying no to, though I didn't get why he wanted just that. "If that'll calm you down, then of course." I smiled up to him, he smiled back and for just a moment I saw something pass his eyes. He bent down and gave one of his famous bear hugs, holding me tight and relaxing in my own arms. "You're an angel you know that? As much as I'm excited for conquest with you... You don't belong here, with how many devils roam these streets I'm scared on day they'll... Cut off your wings." The way he was trying to get across this message did strike me as partially bizarre, but instead of judging his funny word choice I rubbed his back reassuringly, providing as much comfort as possible. "I'll be okay Karl, I promise you. This gang isn't going to hold me down just yet." That was one reason I was so eager to go to this dinner with the rather charming, Alex Maldonado. Because in looking into his apparent promise, to the man running the traitorous scheme... Who went by the name Schlatt, it showed that Alex was more than just support.

I was no fool in realizing that he was a genuine traitor, he only wanted to sweeten me up to try and kill me and, or take over. However, that was where he would be wrong, there was no way in hell I would give up my life for power I didn't even want, what made infinitely more sense was the possibility of... An exchange. I didn't know how seriously he was taking my request to find Alexis, he was the only thing really keeping me from leaving back to London. And the longer I stayed, the more famous I got, the more of a target I made myself an any possible future family I would conceive. I needed to get out before more damage was done to my barely normal life, that's why I've tried my best to conceal what I could of my face with a vail to try and keep my face from being recognizable and tried my hardest to keep as much as I could under wraps. Though it did eventually die up spilling despite of my futile attempts, as when a gangster wants something, he gets it. Fortunately since I was now a gangster, with a determination at that, a I knew exactly the solution to all my problems.

"Excuse me, siñora Y/n, Sir Maldonado has come to pick you up." Mr. Davidson had stood at the doorway of the bathroom, a flustered expression of his alongside the aversion of eye contact made me realize the rather romantic position Karl and I found ourselves in. With the front of my body having been against his with my head tilted upwards to meet the loving eyes of his gentle face, that was us until I had I promptly gently pushed a distance between us and laughed off the incident as best as I could. "Thank you Mr. Davidson, you're excused, let him know I'm coming now." He bowed and pardoned himself at the bathroom. I looked up to an also flushed Karl as I reached up and patted his back. "I'll see you tonight for Monster's Inc. then?" I questioned while he quietly nodded his head, kind of frozen from that moment. I did the best reassuring I could for the brunette male I had come to know as the sibling I never had, while I had a offer to propose as it felt like my life was being completely decided by tonight.

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