capítulo diez - "but for you I'd take all the bullets in the world."

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A sinking, stomach irking feeling had been sitting at the bottom of my stomach all morning. An instinct that I knew could pick up on these things, it was nauseating and I couldn't really pinpoint a reason as to why. I ate, I slept at a reasonable time, Mr. Davidson has always been down my throat about drinking lots of water so it can't be some symptom of dehydration..? I was beginning to think I had caught some sort of flu, the urge to throw up and some anxiety of impending doom was messing me up and ai genuinely couldn't bring myself to focus. Unfortunately for me, as the day wore on I grew to have a mild headache. "Would you like anymore tea? I've noticed how you've slowed down in your work, if you wish for me to take over so you can have an early night I have no issue." The older man offered as he'd been my adviser the whole hellish time I found myself running a whole crime organization, if he wasn't so nice the thing would have fallen apart immediately I was sure. He made sure to always watch after me and let me know of how exactly to deal with everything. A lot of the job was signing papers and making nice to people making sure money rubbed smoothly, a lot of times needing to use force and intimidation to scare people into compliance... Otherwise, I was told I would most likely be killed as a show of power. To think my aunt had to do all of this... Before everything happened, it was Karl who would beat up and scare them since he had a reputation of being scary strong; which he was. Word began to trickle out however that he now was assigned elsewhere and being that this doesn't happen for no reason, which it didn't, rumours began to spread and definitely that had the mansion clouded with some tense air. Even if it'd been just a day, word travels fast and nothing could stay classified. Who knows if someone chose this was he best time to strike, double cross me, and take over while killing anyone that didn't join them. A scary thought for sure, likely the stress from that was contributing to it.

"No thanks, but thank you. I'm going out to dinner tonight with Alex so I want to get as much done as possible before then." He hummed, small smile gracing his wrinkly features. "Ah of course, what I'd give to be in love again..." a dreamy sigh escaped from underneath his snow-white moustache, that brought back the short memory of him mentioning his son in town... That most mean he had a lover of some sort? It made me feel some kind of guilt actually, since if they were alive he never saw them. Being that he lived here and barely took time for himself, that wouldn't be enough to properly take care of a relationship with a lover or a child. All because for all these years he's been dedicating himself to this gang. And the past tense to that sentence? What if they died and he never did get to see them again..? "You know, Mr. Davidson... It's okay to retire. If you have family to go home to I understand." He looked back to me, pulled out of his once dreamlike state of being, confusion evident on his aging features. That soon morphed into a slight smile and lighthearted expression as he caught on to my own feelings of guilt. Placing a hand on my shoulder, his words although spoken with an air of nonchalant-ness, were concerning and incredibly heavy. "Ah, Y/n. Don't worry a single thing about me. I made the pact to forever serve your aunt and her family as the everlasting bosses. What used to happen in that personal life of mine isn't a worry and shouldn't be calculated into my work. Things of the sort I will only do in secrecy, after hours, and outside of your worry." He was so relaxed to the fact that he was essentially a slave to my family, I always knew he was devoted but to this extent..?

"Nothing does last forever Mr. Davidson, if being with your family is what makes you happiest then there shouldn't be a pressure to stay..!" A warm hand of comfort was placed on my shoulder. "Needn't worry of these things, when I said I would serve your aunt and your family, I didn't make that pact out of desperation; I made it for admiration. It's hard to explain when you're so new to things of this sort, but we are all a family with your bloodline being the head. We all respect you and respect each other, and for many years it's been this way because of what your family has established. I am still in debt to you and your family. Sure, you're new, but you can learn and with Alex by your side I see no worries." "I guess when you say it like that... But even still! Know you can ask anything of me." He hummed acknowledging my statement, but only akin to that of a parent listening to the nonsensical babble of a child. It rather worried me, although I tried to stop pushing since he was quite dead set in his ways. Everything was so heavy, to think that someone was out there possibly suffering from his absences their whole life. I knew, and since arriving was told, that no one turns to such a way of life for no reason. These things came about due to extreme desperation, Alexis was the first example to come to mind... However, with this being the general consensus, it now had a flaw to its way of thinking; this. Rather more specially, when given the option to completely leave, he chose to stay and rather adamantly at that. It was possible he didn't believe me, or thought of this as some type of test, but knowing the remarkable intelligence of my older friend I doubted it; I was certain he could tell my authenticity.

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