capítulo dos - "taking advantage of women is my specialty."

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Fifteen years to the day.

Since Y/n had so suddenly disappeared, it was a personally difficult day for me, I remember the months I spent calling her name in the empty streets desperately searching for nothing... No records of her, I never knew her last name, I never got record of her body, she just vanished. Poof, gone, and you'd think that after a decade and a half I'd have forgotten about her. Well, you could say I've moved on, my eyes wandered over to the bare naked bitch sprawled in my bed, but no one ever connected to me as profoundly as she did. And as I buttoned up the silk shirt of mine, I scoffed watching said woman awake in the covers with a giddy smile. There was mostly one reason someone would sleep with me, and that's money. Being one of the most powerful men in the whole damn city, owning a casino of where illicit substances are bought and sold all the time, and being that I owned the place gained a percentage of all sales, as well as a fee to even sell. Annoyingly, a percentage of my grossing was taken by the Mafia Apasionada, the gang I belonged to since I was young. The one Y/n hated for me to join all those years ago, I knew she was watching over me in heaven though.

Although it was a very sad day, it was almost like a gift from the heavens she sent me since the leader of the mafia, Señora Amparo had died after a long battle with breast cancer. Was it a horrible thing to hear? Well... I was never that close with her, the only times I really spoke with her was for information on people and when she threatened to kill me when I was thinking about double crossing her. I stayed, not really in the mood to lose everything I had been building up over the years, but that nagging thought always stayed with me and with the news of a younger woman, assumed to be her daughter, taking her place I just knew I could use my charms to swoon her into giving me more power... Possibly even marrying me, only problem was that other people would probably have the same idea as word got out she was smoking hot. Like not even like, standard hot bitch, she supposedly even did modelling in England where she studied. Even with all those looks, she's as known to consistently turn down every advance romantically proposed to her. I was determined to get through to her, I didn't know her name nor what she looked like but whoever Karl had puppy dog eyes for was undoubtedly her. He would gush about her all the time it was almost sickening, I love him, he's a sweet dude but I never listened to him when he would go on for hours about a postcard she sent with a small smiley face.

I couldn't be the guy to be a lovely dovery boyfriend, when Y/n died that piece of me died too. She was my soulmate, and since she left there was no reason to try. It was so blatantly obvious these woman that rubbed my chest and giggled stupidly at every last thing I said while I spoke with clients or played a game of cards, that they were stupid skanks who only really were after the luxurious lifestyle I could provide. Including the busty brunette who currently was gaining consciousness, it was funny how they saw me as the idiot. Believing their good looks reeled me in, that I was a fly in their web, even if the roles were reversed and by sleeping with me they had already been used. After sex, of course I played along to their dumb little game, worshiping the ground they walked and insisting they were the one and I loved them. The look on their face, the glee that covered the real slimy feelings of these women. I saw through their attempted smoke and mirrors, easily as if they weren't even masking it anymore. I saw the money signs flash their eyes, their excitement as with empty eyes they saw the possibility of a comfortable future, and would either propose marriage or would be more conservative and just say they loved me back. From there the routine was simple, insist that I had a client to see, get their number and usher them out, never call them again, or maybe even call them again as a booty call; usually after a week of not a single text or message, so desperation sex was so pleasing. Where they were desperate to not lose me, when in fact I was never theirs. Eventually though if they're even half as smart as they think they are, they catch on and start harassing me or have their hearts broken seeing me back to my regular routine with another woman in my usual VIP booth, where they were no longer welcome. I made sure all the bouncers knew that if someone where to show up announcing themselves as my "girlfriend" to not let them in.

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