capítulo sies - "...I swear to you, I will win your heart."

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'We found him.'

That one message sent my body into absolute chaos, my breathing became shallow and I felt slightly tipsy. My heart pounded evermore and even if I wanted to faint, vomit and sit down I was so ecstatic and practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. For over fifteen years I had been patiently waiting for the day to reunite with the man who was there for me when no one else was, the truest most loyal person I had ever had the pleasure of meeting. He was so kind and cheerful about everything, protecting me regardless of how much of a burden I was on him. A genuinely good person that I could smile and laugh with for so many hours, even with the crippling ache we both had from starvation and malnutrition, somehow I don't remember the pain all too well. I remember trying my best to hide the fact I was hurting from Alexis so I wouldn't worry him or make him pity me, those efforts were in vain however; he could read me better than a scholar with any scripture. And if he wouldn't be able to get any food, or I happened to not find some sort of half rotten meal or even fruit or vegetable in the trash, he would distract from the dehydration and feeling of my stomach literally eating itself. To this day I still eat small portions, it was even remarked when I lived in London. George, bless his soul, would always make sure to feed me as much as possible since he was deathly afraid I was under eating. I remember one day that I had gone barely having eaten half a sandwich and an orange, that night when I entered my dorm who else was there than George, asleep on my couch in an apron. Why? He came to surprise me and came to cook dinner at my place, I was out late that night though running errands and he had fallen asleep waiting.

I missed him, I missed Wilbur, I missed Tommy and I most certainly missed Nikki.

I would be visiting them soon though, no doubt in my mind. Since I would be removing the burden of running a whole crime operation, I knew I had the freewill to leave and pursue a regular career just like I had intended. My real life would begin with my rock that had been the person I had clung onto for so many years, I can finally escape the wacky dream or well, nightmare that I couldn't escape till now. Everything was falling into place, and I would be set to book my flight and leave the country for good with... Alexis. I was nervous however, I hated the thought of if he hated or resented me after all these years... What would he say to me? What would I say? What would I think the minute I saw him? What would he think when he saw me? Has he change? I mean he must've, fifteen years, especially probably still in the mafia would do a lot to someone. I hoped he still had that sparkle in his eye, that affinity for life and was taking care of himself? What if he wanted to stay? I'd have to respect that but I had somewhere to be, I didn't want to have to separate from him again, but neither did I want to be followed constantly by paparazzi or always being the target of attempted kidnapping. I hope to god he'll understand why I couldn't come back, I thought he died... But I'm glad I clung onto hope, I'm glad they found him. I threw on casual and breezy clothing, a sharp contrast to the elaborate and expensive outfits I had been instructed to wear. I wanted to not look too different from who I used to be, I didn't want him to not recognize me after all. And checking my reflection, a wave of relaxation washed over me, this was it.

"Sorry if I'm intruding..." The soft spoken male calmly stated before entering my room, it was of course Karl. "No, no, it's alright Karl." He opened up the door with a solemn look, although it switched to a surprised one when he saw me. "Are you... Alright?" I gave a confused smile, "I've never been better, why?" "I... Heard the news." My smile dropped, a small chuckle escaped my lips in my confusion. "That they... That they found Alexis?" He nodded and my smile fell, my blood ran cold as the worst loomed overhead. "N-no..." I sniffled as my knees buckled and I fell to the floor, exploding into tears Karl ran over to embrace me. Rubbing circled into my back, I flung my arms around him and weeped into his shoulder. I shouldn't of had my hopes up so high, but I did and nowI was hurting because of it. I just wanted my best friend back, that's it. "I'm sorry..." Karl's soothing voice cooed, I only held onto him tighter not wanting to let go of him afraid that he'll leave me too. I couldn't make out words, the perpetual sobs and bouts of tears wouldn't allow it, my throat was sore and I had completely soaked Karl's shoulder. He held me tighter though, whenever my cries would get worse he would hold me closer and give a gentle squeeze to remind me that he was there for me. I couldn't tell you for how long I felt like I was going to vomit out my heart, hours is what it felt like, minutes it probably was. "He's in a better place now, you have me Y/n so don't worry... I'll always be here for you..." At my weakest point I was glad Karl could be there to be there for me just as he always has been for me.

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