capítulo nueve - "not everyone would take all the shots for you..."

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"You know I care the world about you." Karl sighed, his luggage's packed as I stood to bid him goodbye. I held my elbows, a deep frown carved on my face as I couldn't believe the predicament I found myself in. I knew he couldn't stay, I was too hurt to let him, but I've known him for so long it'd be a lie to say I didn't feel anything. He was family, and up to now he hasn't explained why he did this crazy one-eighty. "I know Karl, but, I made sure to assign you to someone nice. She manages drug routes and trades, she could use a good protector you know." He sighed, "... I'm sure you assigned me to the best person you could." He dropped what was in his arms and wrapped those firm arms around me. "I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me." I clung into him and shut my eyes before tears could brim them. "I don't know why you caused me so much suffering, but even past that I still care about you. You're still family to me, take care okay." He held me closer, and suddenly I could hear him murmur out, "I love you." And not thinking much more of it, I whispered back out to him, "love you too, I'll make sure you're taken care of. Even though..." Those painful memories returned and I could remember how betrayed I felt. "Even after everything you're still my Karl." Through his shame, a wide smile appeared and kept that eye contact almost as if he was begging me to change my mind last minute; I was too hurt to allow it.

He picked back up his bags as the sort was open for him, he was halfway out before he froze and turned back around with a small pleading voice. "Do you think you could ever forgive me enough to let me back?" My breath was caught in my throat, as I whispered out "goodbye Karl." And physically turned away from him, not wanting to face him any longer after everything. I couldn't believe what was happening, I really thought I could trust him. Now someone who had been by my side for so many years just betrayed me, I could still feel the stinging of being stabbed in the back. And the fact I got bad at Alex for thinking he was the one who planed the fake grave when really he was just trusting Karl, it made my stomach flip in the worst way possible. I just needed him out, away, gone.

I took a sigh as the door shut behind me, he was most likely getting his bags in the limousine and would soon be all the way at the other side of the city. As far as I could put him for the minute as after when I actually find out what happened to Alexis, I could ask him what the hell was going through his mind. My mind wandered to Alex, he promised me after Karl had left his apartment that he would look deeper into it, that's when I let our vault know he was allowed access into the gang's files. It's been a little over twenty four hours now and I wondered if he'd had the time to check, maybe I was too antsy but really and truly the possibilities were endless and it most certainly kept me bouncing off the walls in excitement. Even if those walls were internal, what I had to learn especially was that any show of anything going on in my mind was not favorable. Mr. Davidson would go on about how it can show my weaknesses if I got too accustomed to it, and although I did figure out how to keep things to myself and remain relatively stoic, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel where I could be myself back in the UK. It was so close, I could taste George's pancakes already.

My phone softly vibrates in my pocket however, for a minute I wondered if it was George showing off the pancakes he'd made, however it actually was just Alex. And so what if a little butterfly found itself trapped in my stomach? I enjoyed his company, maybe more than I should— but regardless he just had to stay a friend. I would only admit this to myself though, I was warming up to the idea of... Well, him. I still kept the nagging voice in my conscious however, he wasn't the amazing guy he liked to play with me. He was still a womanizing asshole with only three things on his mind: sex, money, and power. Love didn't happen to be on that list and although I did wish his proclamations of wanting my heart and me alone were true, I knew it was no more than a jest. A ploy to get in my pants and toss me away with the condom he'd use. It was disheartening, sure, but the least I could give him was that he was open about this from the start. He never tried to hide the dirty things he pulled and wanted to do to me, and yet I found myself longing for his presence.

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