capítulo once - "the devil of the past"

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Silk, that's what covered my eyes and kept me from seeing what was going on as I awoke. I was groggy, but as my last memories of recollection flooded back, those bitter tears spilled past my eyes again. My hands shot up to remove the eye mask blocking my vison and sat up from the laying position I was in. The sudden harshness of the light comparative to the complete darkness my vision once was in, the suddenness of it made my eyes squint shut. It took a minute, again, but I tried to hurry up the process so I could open my eyes to get a grasp at my surroundings. It was taking too long at some point, so forcing them open to end up blinking multiple times while only getting basic shapes of what looked to be gothic furniture for a bedroom... Hell I was under the covers of someone's bed, thankfully still with all my clothing pieces still attached and not damaged or anything. So I could assure that nothing happened to me while I was unconscious, but the problem was that I was in someone's bed that most likely belonged to the devil man from yesterday. He didn't appear to be here, but given I didn't want to wait around for him this could be one of my only possible opportunities to escape. Pushing the covers off me and finding the will to keep going, shoeless, I run up to the closed, dark mahogany, engraved door to try and open it. The wood was surprisingly chilly, and when I could turn the knob to actually open the door I became ecstatic.

Knowing now it wasn't locked, I took a few breaths to relax myself and slowed down to make sure it wouldn't make that much of a noise. Pulling the door towards me, I cringed at the loud creaking it made but the view of large windows gave me some hope. Slipping through the crack I made for myself and shutting the door back behind me, I made sure to check both sides of this hallway to get a grasp of where I was. They were empty, thank god, but it wasn't dead silent either. Farther away I could hear people, that wasn't a good sign at all, and taking a peak out the window showed— a whole city downtown? I approached the large window to see the busy streets bellow me, so maybe jumping out of a window wouldn't be the safest escape. Then again, I had that carrying pain in my chest I knew was from Alex being torn away from me; I questioned if maybe jumping out would be the best option for me. No, no. He would've wanted me to continue going, even if I had no idea how to escape such a place. I went right down the short hallway, walking around on the tips of my feet to try and keep the volume of my footsteps to a minimum. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears, I tried keeping my breaths low as I turned the corner... Only to find the devil himself stare right back at me with flirtatious crimson-red eyes and a rather prominent smirk. "Good morning," Nothing good emanated from him, a feeling of crawling crossed my whole body and an absolute feeling of dirt consumed me. Last night, or maybe it could have been that I was unconscious for longer, but whenever he ripped away my love from me, I really didn't get to see his face fully. Now, I could see his face properly. His facial hair coming out of the sides of his head with subtle coming through the fronts of it, from her smirk his teeth appeared unusually sharp teeth, and slide slicked hair; an absolute disgust of a man, the shell of the devil himself. His eyes were that similar to a street cat, ever planning, ever devilish with its only intent to watch out for himself. I tried to back up way from him, getting as far as possible away from the man who took everything from me. Even in the most nonthreatening outfit, a bathrobe and house slippers, he elicited such panic."Oh? What's the rush? You realize that the other end of this hallway loops around, I can catch up to you by walking the other way, and with guards outside, I don't think running would be your smartest option."

That shit eating grin frightened me beyond anything else as he approached, with my back to the glass window I had to stare back in complete terror all while trembling like a leaf. "Awe, darling, I'm not going to hurt you... If I wanted to kill you I would have done it already." He was now close enough to extend a hand out to me, having it rest on my cheek of which I hit off as soon as possible. "There are some things worse than death." One side of my face was glued to one side of the wall, trying to keep as much physical distance as possible. And with a single eye I could watch his amusement to everything. "How wise, you wouldn't believe just how many women that fall into my hands that think otherwise. Truly you are slightly wiser if you can comprehend death isn't simply the farthest human suffering can go." "Get away..." I muttered out, feeling tears well up even if I knew now wasn't the time. I was in an emotional whiplash and I wasn't being given any possible time to cope. "Relax, what happened to them isn't going to happen to you." From the slimiest in his voice, nothing that came out of his voice I could trust. It took all my strength and courage to place a hand on his arm and push him to the side. "Then I suppose I can just leave-" however as I made my attempt to just walk away, he grabbed hold of my wrist with such a harshness. "Hold on just a second there, you'll be getting a better fate but that doesn't mean you just get to walk free. You're still my prisoner." Prisoner? "I..." I was at a complete loss, not so much in surprise but more that I had no idea what to do. I wouldn't doubt that he wasn't lying that he had guards watching over the place, most likely armed, and thinking over my options: getting him angry, or trying to attack didn't seem the greatest in my favours. I was at a standstill, a prisoner as he said; a doll for him to toy with however he should please.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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