I know this is a Butchercup story but we gotta let the other ships shine too
Brick's P.O.V
Our graduation ceremony is already done, and now most students are just enjoying their last hang out since we'll all be going on our seperate ways.
Anyways, today is the day I'll finally propose to my Blossom. I promise to myself to propose to her the end of graduation or atleast after. My brothers and their girlfriends already knew about this, and they helped me came up with a plan to propose to her. The girls role was to keep Bloss distracted while me and my bro's prepare everything. Bubbles already ordered or baked the wedding cake, tho I think she baked the cake with Boomer because of the design, you can easily tell that either Bubbles made it or ordered it, who knows atleast there's a strawberry wedding cake. The theme of our wedding was all pink and red which are Bloss' and my color.
"Hey bloss wanna hang out?" I heard Buttercup asked
"But didn't we just-" Bloss said but got cut off by Bubbly girl
"Oh come on please Bloss? Just one more time?? I will really miss my bff's" Bubbles whined, Idk if this is part of the plan of distracting blossom or she really just wanna hang out
"Okay" Blossom gave both of her best friends the warmest smile
And with that thet quickly ran to the girl's room and changed and ran again and soon they vanished. I looked at my brothers and quickly nod, cignaling to start the plan and we quickly changed and call everyone who was willing to help us, that includes Blossom's family. I'm still surprise that I'm alive tho.
Bubbles' P.O.V
Me and the girls ate some ice cream and headed to Blossom's house to take Ben with us and heade to Bc's place since it was quite big enough for us to do anything.
We've finally arrived at Bc's house and as we got inside, a lot of their maids greeted us as we greeted them as well, and we walk towards the living room and sat down on the floor while Blossom sat on the sofa while holding Ben in her arms as he giggle happily as I play with him.
"So what do you guys wanna do?" Buttercup ask
"What about karaoke? Its been a while since I sang" I recomended
"Yeah me too" Blossom said agreeing to my idea as Buttercup headed towards their flat screen and turn it on.
"What song do you guys want to sing?" She turn around to ask us while still holding the remote
"Ohh! Is 'Crush' included there by Tessa?" I ask raising my hand like an elementary kid while she checked the song menu
"Yeah there is wanna sing?" She said still looking on the menu and then look at me as I cheerfully nodded my head.
She handed me the microphone and I gladed took it and stand up as she play the song and I started singing the song happily.
Butch's P.O.V
Brick told me to get their ring that he bought at the jewelry shop. As soon as I arrived at the jewelry shop that he told me, my eyes were blinded from all the shining jewls displayed everywhere around the store. The lady at the counter greeted me and I greeted back at her
"Hello sir, how may I help you?" She ask politely
"I'm here to pick up the wedding ring that Brick Jojo ordered" I ask
"Why of course, I'll be right back to get the rings" she left the counter and heade towards the door behind her, as I let my eyes explore the place.

Fell In Love With My Bodyguard | BUTCHERCUP
RomanceButtercup was a trouble maker girl. Tokio(Buttercup's Father) asign someone to watch over Buttercup. Buttercup regret of what her father did. But why does her heart beats fast whenever she's with her body guard Butch Jojo? Let's see why her heart be...