chapter 13 searching for you

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Hey guys so I just want to say that I retittled chapter 12 because it was the wrong tittle so sorry ✌. Now lets begin

Butch's P.O.V

Its been countless months now ever since buttercup called me and broke up with me but I knew she wouldn't broke up with me without any reasons. I already called Bubbles and Blossom if she was in their place and they said no. Buttercup is still missing and we're still searching for her and no one has ever seen her. Her father tried his best to get home as soon as posible but he got quarantined and now he's stuck there for months.

Its almost lunch time and I decided to prepare lunch. I check the fridge to see if there is anything that I could cook and eat but sadly there was none so I have no choice but to go to the store and get some foods.

As I was heading my way to store, I stop across the street as my eyes widen when I see the person I've been missing for months. It was her, Buttercup. I thought for a moment if I was imagining or not. She enters the store and I quickly ran after her. Once I was inside I look around and finally found her so I follow her and she seems to buy some groceries. Since when did she go grocery shopping?

I was not sure if it is really her or just some random girls that looks like her or is it just my imagination? Well only one way to find out. I grab her wrist and she quickly turn around frighten like I was about to kidnap or do something bad to her. She turns around to face me as her eyes widen. I can't believe it! Its her! Its really her!

Buttercup's P.O.V

Its been months already since I broke up with Butch. I hope he's in good health and situation not like me. Its been months since my own teacher kidnapped me, months of abusing me.

"Buttercup!" I flinch when I heard him call and I quickly run to him avoiding to response late or else he will beat me up for sure.

"What is it?" I ask I can hear my shaky voice 'cause he's drunk again.

"Go buy some groceries" he said with his drunk voice. I quickly nod and get ready as he give me money and I was about head out when he call me so I stop.

"Buttercup! Don't be late you know what'll happen if you're late" he said still drunk as I gulp and nod and went to the store.

I cover my skin with my jacket and pants to cover my wounds he gave me during these months. If only he didn't put some tiny cameras and tracker on my clothes I would have run away by now. I enter the store and grab the things I need until someone grab my wrist and I flinch. He usaully grab my wrist and push me down and beat me. I close my eyes tightly then I realize he's not here and I quickly turn around to see who it was. My eyes widen when I saw the person who grab my wrist. And that person was the one I've been missing so much these past months. It was Butch. I can feel myself starting to tear up but I manage to hold it in then I realize there are tiny cameras on my clothes. I pull my wrist back and pretend that I don't know him.

Butch's P.O.V

"Umm excuse me but do I know you?" She ask as if she doesn't know me.

"Buttercup its me Butch!" I said starting to tear up and I can feel all everyone's attention is on us.

Buttercup's P.O.V

"I'm sorry but I'm not Buttercup I'm uhh...Brianna" I lied

"I have to go now sorry sir" I said and went to the counter and payed the groceries and quickly run outside as I let all of my tears fall while I keep running. Pretending that I wasn't me was painful but seeing Butch like that hurts me the most. It hurt like hell as I keep running. I stop at the front door as I quickly wipe my tear away and put on my normal face as I open the door and slowly close it behind me. I flinch when I heard a glass drop and I know who it was. I slowly turn around to face my angry abusive teacher.

"You're late!"

"I-I'm s-sorry.."

"Didn't I told you not to be late?!"

" won't happen again"

"Sorry is not enough and I saw you talking to that boy again!"


"I already told you to move on with him!"

"B-but..its not that easy.." I said as one tear escaped.

"Not easy eh?" He said slowly walking towards me as he took off his belt ready to hit me as I close my eyes tightly. Then the next thing I know, I feel pain on my right waist and arm and I know he's hitting me with his belt as I scream and cried.

"Move on!" He said pulling my hair and smash my face to the wall.

"I-I will!" I manage to speak as he let go of my hair and push me down making me fall to the ground.

"Move on! Don't make me use my knife Buttercup!" He said as I nod quickly and close my eyes tightly. As he walk away and I quickly get up and went to my room and lock it and get the first aid kit from my drawer and bandage my wounds he give me. I lay down and let my head relax as I gently touch my head and it still hurts. I started crying silently he would abuse me if I make any noise or sounds that annoys him. I hope someone can find and rescue me from this living hell..

Butch's P.O.V

She ran just like that. I don't believe her. Buttercup is the only girl I saw with those beautiful emerald green eyes. And once I look at them I'll easily get lost into those eyes of hers and just now I made eye contact with her and I'm 100% sure its her. No one have those eyes but her. I quickly run after her buy when I look around she was gone.

I quickly call the others and tell them what I saw and they're shock and the they hang up and the next thing I know they were right infront of me.

"Where is she?!?!" Bubbles ask as she started to tear up as she grab my collar

"Follow me we'll check the cctv fotage" I said as we went inside and watch the whole scene with their jaws drop and eyes widen.

"Its her!" They all said it at once

"I know" I simply said

"But where is she going?" Blossom ask

"Idk she just left when I was about to follow her" I simply said

"Wait if she was pretending she didn't know you, there must be a reason" Boomer guess

Brick's P.O.V

I gotta admit something's odd about how she acts. Even Boomer feels the same way as I do.

"We really need to find her she couldn't get any far and somethings odd about the way she acts" I said as they all nod

"Guys could it be?.." Boomer said trying to figure something

"What are you getting at Bommer?" Butch ask

"What if she's been kidnap and remember when she broke up with you?" Boomer ask

"Yeah?" Butch simply reply

"Maybe she was force to break up with you I mean she wouldn't break up with you without any reasons unless she's a player" Boomer said trying to make sense

"Buttercup is not a player!" Blossom and Bubbles said at the same time as our eyes widen

"We know Buttercup more than anyone and she's not a player and if I know her she would not just dissappear like that and pretend that she doesn't know you..I think.." Blossom said

"You think what?" Butch ask curiously as I held him back

"I think..she's been kidnapped.." she said as our eyes widen

"What makes you think that?" I ask

"Well think about it. Buttercup dissapear just like that and then suddenly called Butch that they're through and she hadn't shown up in months and now she showed up and pretended that she didn't know Butch. I think the person who kidnapped her is obsess with her" Blossom said now it makes sense

"But who?" Bubbles ask as we went to our thinking mode then it hits me!

"Mr. Clark!" We all said it at the same time.

Wow...who knew..?

To be continue...

Fell In Love With My Bodyguard | BUTCHERCUPWhere stories live. Discover now