Chapter 18 The New Girl

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"Brick! Explaination, NOW." Buttercup told Brick in a loud voice due to her shockness.

"I- I- I don't know!" Brick said with a crack voice.

Buttercup calmed her self down along with everybody else and repeated her question calmly.

"Well.. the night after we all rescued Buttercup, my friends invited me for a drink at the club, and to my stupidity I said yes." Brick said.

"Thank god you know how stupid you are" Bubbles said cutting Brick off.

"We all had fun that night and since I've been drinking for like 2 hours ofc I was drunk and Blossom called me and then she was at the club and told me to go home I pass out while walking home with Blossom and the next thing I knew I was in my room with different clothes" Brick continued

"No wonder Blossom walked you home" Butch stated.

"Oh and FYI big bro me and Butch didn't change your clothes" Boomer said with a sarcastic expression plastard on his face.

"Brick how are you gonna tell your parents or gaurdian and Bloss's family about this?!" Buttercup ask

"I don't know...but I'm sure we'll figure it out someday" Brick said as Buttercup sighed.

"Well one thing for sure is that you have to take care of our best friend and your baby" Bubbles said

"Ofc! I won't let anyone lay a finger on my soon to be wife!" Brick said proudly as everyone chuckled

"Brick we're only 16 and 17" Blossom corrected him.

"Its getting late now we should probably go to sleep now" Boomer reminded everyone as they all nodded in agreement.

Brick's P.O.V

After cleaning down stairs, Bubbles handed us two small foam that is good for 2 or 1 persons and some pillows and blankets, we took it and we all decided our sleeping arrangement. Boomer is sleeping with Bubbles on her bed while Butch sleeps with Buttercup on the other small foam and you can guess that me and pinkie are sleeping together on the other small foam.

Me and my brothers were still active so we chat a little but not long after the girls yawn one by one with sleepy eyes. Boomer took Bubbles and place her on her bed as he lay down besides her. I grab Blossom's left arm gently and place her carefuly on the foam as I lay down besides her.

"C'mon Butters its time for bed" Butch said but Buttercup refuses.

"No! I'm not sleepy yet" Buttercup said as she yawns again and stretched her arms.

"Sure you're not" Butch tease as he picked up Buttercup bridal style and gently place her on their small foam and in no time she fell in deep sleep and so did Bubbles and Blossom. Soon we all drifted off to sleep.

{The Next Day at School}

"Hey have you guys heard there's a new girl?" Boomer asked

"No" Me and Butch said together.

"I heard she's rich" Blossom said

"Like Morbucks?" Bubbles ask

"Yeah but Idk if she's spoiled" Blossom said

"I heard she likes cute boys even tho they're already taken" Buttercup said as she continue to walk faster and not looking at us at her back and we can sense that she's jelly.

Butch's P.O.V

"Don't worry Butters you know that your my only flower in the world" I said as I put my right hand on her shoulder as she punch me playfuly as I chuckle.

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