Chapter 19 SURPRISE!

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Buttercup's P.O.V

Welp it turned out that barbie doll had a red pinkish bruise on her cheeks after the punch I gave to her. She deserved it anyway thank god the teachers didn't saw us fighting or else, we'll be in detention right now.

Time Skip

Its already lunch time and as usual me and the blues and reds are heading to the school cafeteria but I had to use to the bathroom real quick so I excuse myself and made my way towards the bathroom.

Once I came out of the bathroom I expected Butch will be waiting for me outside but I guess not this time, instead I came across Mitch. I decided to ignore and walk past him and head back to my friends. But before I could he grab my arm and I was expecting a flirt or a threat to stay away from Butch and be his but no. He didn't say any related things to what I expect instead he said

"Don't celebrate yet Matsubara. Soon I'll get my revenge on you and your crapy bodyguard for what you've done to my own father AKA the only family I ever had."

And with that he let go my arm and continue to walk to the opposite direction leaving me blank and puzzle.
'What does he mean by "his father" what did we do?' I thought but decided to let it slide as I make my way to the cafeteria where my friends are probably wondering why I took so long.

"There you are Buttercup!" Bubbles cheered as she saw me walking towards their direction and sat down beside Blossom and I notice that Butch wasn't here. I was about to ask Boomer or Brick but before I could ask Blossom cut me off

"Butch had a call from your dad" she said as she continues to eat her lunch

"Butch also asked me to give you your lunch since you forgot to bring it" Bubbles said as she hand me my lunch and open it.

"Sweet! Bacon and egg!" I said while drooling and in no time I dig in to my lunch.

"Sorry for being late I bought you all some orange juice" I heard Butch said but I was too busy eating and enjoying my delicious lunch.

"Ya'know you'll choke if you eat too fast right?" I heard Butch said and turn my head up to face him and give him a 'do I look like I care' face. He chuckle and sat beside Brick which is infront of me and give me my orange juice and the others.

"Btw you're father will come and pick us up after school today" He said and I quickly turn my attention to him.

"Is he coming home?" I ask with food in my mouth.

"Yep he decided to take a break from his resling career" Butch said picking a sushi from his lunch box.

I nodded and continue eating my lunch as the others did the same. Blossom as usual have her strawberry cheese cake with her bento. Bubbles have her dumplings and fried rice which she made by herself. Did you actually think that this girl only knows fashion? Welp think again Bubbles is actually quite talented and responsible among the three of us. Boomer had a sushi bento and Butch has the same as Boomer prepared by their one and only father figure Brick. Only Brick have ramen cuz Butch and Bommer prefered sushi than ramen. We all enjoyed our lunch and soon enough the bell rang and we all packed our stuff and head to our next class.

Time Skip (Again)

School is finally over and everytime we came across Mitch he would always said the same warning or threat he gave to me earlier during lunch and I'm still puzzled about it. Oh and that barbie girl Ellie seemed to be irritate in our school idk if she'll transfer or not but ever since Bubbles gave her a warning she haven't talked to us or even go near us at all. Welp  I guess thag teached her a lesson not to mess with us.

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