Chapter 9 Arcade Fun

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Buttercup's P.O.V

I feel tired after what happened yesterday. Thank goodness Butch followed me tho 'cause I can't punch or beat my own teacher. But then again he did almost rape so why not give him a lesson? Ahh shoot! I wish I did that.

"Buttercup?" I hear Bubbles call and snap me out of my thoughts and back to reality. I hum in respond.

"Are you okay?" Boomer ask worriedly as I look up to face him and give him a confuse look.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I ask curiously

"Oh I don't maybe because Mr. Clark almost raped you yesterday and you and Butch are going to meet him in the principal's office?" Brick said as he roll his eyeballs and that made me worry and nervous as Blossom playfuly elbow Brick.

"You don't have to worry right? And besides Butch got your back right?" Blossom said trying to calm me down. I give them a fake smile as Butch pat my shoulder.

"Yeah don't worry remember I'm your prince charming to the rescue" he smirks as I punch playfuly and chuckle a bit and slightly laugh at his action when he says 'prince charming to the rescue' as everyone else laugh out loud. The laughter died when the speaker turn on and announce "Buttercup Matsubara and Butch Jackson please report to the principal's office immediately" and with that the speaker went off and that made me even more nervous than ever before as I feel someone hold my cold hands. I look up to see Butch.

"Just calm down don't be afraid" he whispers as I pull my hand

"Who said I'm scared" with that I left as I march down towards the principal's office as Butch followed me behind.

I stop infront of the door. I took a deep breath and knock it and wait for any response while Butch just stand behind me also waiting.

"Come in" We heard the principal say

We enter the office only to see the angry principal as I laid eyes on the person who almost raped me. I notice his eyes when he looks at me full of lust and when Butch enter his eyes full of lust turn into anger as he look at him and glare. I look at Butch and he glare back as I turn my attention to the principal.

"Butch can you explain why you punch Mr. Clark? And what were you two doing in the classroom?" The principal ask. Butch was about to speak when that bastard cut him off.

"I found them in the classroom and they almost had sex if I didn't came in and he punch for interrupting them" That bastard liar! I really want to punch him here and now

"What!?" The principal said angrily as he stood up. I look at Butch and he seems calm. How can he so calm!?

"Sir can I explain what really happened?" Butch ask calmly as I grab his hand and made a worry face.

"Go ahead Butch" The principal said as Butch smile at me and I let go of his hand.

"On second thought why don't we check the security cameras placed on every room here?" Butch ask sarcasticly as I realize there are cameras here placed on every room and hallway in this school. What a smart boy.

The principal raise an eyebrow as Butch smile as the that bastard look all sweaty. Serves him right. The principal stood up as he check and watch the cameras as we all join him. I cover my eyes with my hands as the video plays the part where that pervert took off my shirt and started kissing and bitting my neck leaving bite marks on my neck. I hear the principal gasp as I close my eyes tightly and cover them when I feel someone's hugging me from behind. I take a quick look at it was Butch.

"Its gonna be ok" he whispers into my ear as I nod.

After a while the video ends as the principal turn around to face us. "Buttercup can you show me your neck?" He question as I look at Butch as he nodded and I slowly pull down my scarf that covers my neck. The principal gasp as he saw the bite marks on my neck as he turn his eyes on that bastard and glare at him.

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