Chapter 14 Found ya

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Hi guys I'm back! Sorry I haven't been updating for a while. I was having a looonggg long fever and having trouble with my modules and it kept me VERY busy but I finally updated this chapter. Enjoy~!

Buttercup's P.O.V

Its been one year and two months and I still haven't escaped this living hell. Mr. Clark always told me to go grocery shopping and everytime I came back, I'll get another beating (more like abusing) why? Because everyday I went to the same store and everyday I always saw Butch there standing and waiting for me. He always tried to make a conversation with me but I didn't let him even if I really wanted to.

As days past, I've starting to lose hope, but I always think positive even though its hard. Everything went the same, getting abuse or beaten up for just one simple mistake.


Butch's P.O.V

FINNALLY! we've finally found where mr. Clark is hiding along with my girl. If it wasn't for these two nerds A.K.A Brick and Blossom hacking and searching online, we would'nt have found them. The blues are really great in incouraging us not to lose hope.

"Guys if I know Mr. Clark, he's not that easy to get or to get away with it, so we need a plan" Blossom tells us


"I have an idea!" Brick shouted excitedly as we all nod.

"Okay so here's the plan.."

Buttercup's P.O.V

I was just sitting in my room, bandaging my wounds until that b*tch slam the door open which shocked me. His face was all sweaty and he breathe's heavily and his expression is angry and guilty at the same time. I wonder what happened.. welp its really none of mah business so..meh I don't care its his problem anyway not mine.

"Pack your things and color your hair to dark brown now!" He said madly as I take the hair spray color.

( I don't know how to call or discribe the hair color spray thinging, anyway onto the story)

I finished packing my clothes and dying my hair. He quickly grab my wrist and drag me all the way downstairs not caring how many walls I hit.

We got out of the house then he suddenly stop as I bump on his back.
I took a quick peek to see what's stopping him.

As I took a quick peek, I couldn't believe what I am seeing. 'Am I dreaming? Or am I dead?' I thought as my eyes stayed wide open and my ecpression still in shocked.

Butch's P.O.V

Brick called the cops to surround the place with me and the blues as for the red, they went inside the house to get some weapons as they hide waiting for my signal.

I give Mr. Clark a death glare as he glare back at me. Our glares broke up when I saw someone peeking behind him and it was a girl with dark brown hair and... lime green EYES OH SHOOT THAT'S MAH GIRL! How dare he changed her beautiful black hair to dark brown. She looked shocked as I scan her body to see if she's okay and I can tell he's been abusing her because of her wounds. As soon as I finish checking Buttercup, I turn my attention to that asshole.

"Its over Mr. Clark. We found you." Boomer said with confident which made me proud of my little bro

"Hands on the air! We've got you surronded!" The police shouts

"Or is it Mr. Jojos?" He smirks.

With an blink of an eye he pulled Buttercup infront of him and took his knife from his pocket and place it on Buttercup's neck. WHAT THE HELL?!?! If this guy loves my girl then why is he using her as bait?!?! This man is a total coward.

"Wha-what?!" I saw Buttercup shout at him as he pull her tighter.

'Hurry Brick' I thought as I started to sweat.

Blossom's P.O.V

Me and Brick used Mr. Clark's computer to erease all the picture of Buttercup being abuse which made me angry and want to stab him right now.

"When I see that dick head again, I'll give him a piece of my mind." I said with a serious yet angry tone as I hold my fist.

"You will but we need to finish our job first, I'll go find some gun" with that he left and search around the house as I continue ereasing THIS ENDLESS PICS!! Seriously does this ever end?!?!

"I found some guns are you done?"
Brick came back with 4 guns. Wow I wonder if he shoted Buttercup with these guns and if he did, IMMA KILL HIM FOR SURE.

" I'm done lets go" I stand up and snatch the two guns from Brick, as I march downstairs and stop to take a quick peek. Butch put out a stop or wait sign as we both waited.

Buttercup's P.O.V

I'm completely surprise. Well I should be not surprise. He's a total coward after all. I glare at him, and then something caught my attention. I look down and saw the controler of my collar that zap me. 'Since this tiny cameras doesn't do anything to me..' I thought as a smile form on my face.

"Put all your weapons away or Miss Matsubara gets the knife!" He threats. He's such a coward.

As they put all their guns down, I quickly kicked Mr. Clark's balls with my knee, as I grab the controler and run towards Butch and he give me a quick hug.

"Butch....can't...breathe!.." I said catching my breath as he let me go.

"Get behind me" he said as I nod quickly and run behind him.

"You coward! Hiding behind your bodyguard's back!" He yelled

"Says the one who use me as bait just to save his own life!" I yelled back.

"Why you.!" He said as he run towards us and...Grab Bubbles within a flash?!?!?! THIS GUY IS INSANE!



"I got your precious friend now!" He said as he laugh

"She's not my friend. She's my best friend." I said with confident and smile at Bubbles as she Bubbles smiles back.

"You should have took the knife with you when you had the cha-" he was cut off! LOL!! He should've seen the looks on his face! I'm dying out of laughter here!!

"That's enough!" A familiar voice shout

To be continue..

Again I'm very sorry for updating late 🙏🙏

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