Chapter 8 Body guard to the rescue

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"Hurry girls!" Blossom

"Geeeez we're running as fast as we can bloss" Brick

"Calm down Blossom" Bubbles

"Yeah its not your fault we're late" Buttercup

"Don't look at me like that you were all asleep peacefully" Butch

Buttercup P.O.V

Yeah its his fault why we're running. We're late for class and its all because he didn't wake us all up!

"Way to go Butchie boy" Boomer said as he roll his eyes.

"Guys no time to argue we're VERY LATE!" Blossom said worriedly.

We keep running until we finally made it to Mr. Clark's room. They all went inside except for me. I don't want to see his stupid pervert face.

"Buttercup aren't you gonna come in?" Brick ask as I look down trying to be strong to show no fear.

"Butch?" I hear Bubbles ask

"Don't worry I'll stay with her you guys go inside" Butch said as he touch my shoulder. Bubbles and Blossom nod as Boomer and Brick have a confuse look on their faces.

"Thank you" Bubbles and Blossom said it at the same time and drag Boomer and Brick inside.

"Its ok I know why you don't want to go inside" Butch whispers

"Who told you?" I ask angrily and surprise at the same time

"It doesn't matter who told me, what matter is that you're safe and not being abuse" with that he hug me trying to comfort me. I try to hide my blush and thankfully it work.

He let go of me and walk infront of me and then stop. I turn around to see but when I did, I wish I didn't turn around.

"Why didn't you came inside Ms. Matsubara? I was expecting you" he said with an angry tone and face.

I look over to Blossom and Bubbles signing me 'sorry' I smile at them signing to say 'its ok' and ofc Brick and Boomer have a confuse look again on their faces.

"Listen sir Buttercup didn't came in 'cause she wasn't feeling good so she stayed outside and wait and I accompany her" Butch said as he hold my hands and I hold his tightly.

"Oh really? Well alright then, I'll see you all in class." He pull my chin up and made me look at him in his lustful eyes. I glare at him and pull myself out of his grip.

"Ms. Matsubara I'll talk to you after class ok?"

"Ok.." I said still looking down with Butch besides me.

"Is our teacher obsessed with bc?" Boomer ask curioysly

"Looks like it" Brick said

"Idiots he's obsessed with her and planning something bad to her" Butch said still holding me tightly.

"Come on guys let's go to class now we're really late" Blossom finish and we walk to our first period.

After class

"You sure you don't want me to follow or atleast come with you?" Butch ask worriedly. Since when does he worries about me?

"Yeah I'm sure don't worry. Its probably about the project" I said trying to not worry him

"Fine but I'll be waiting for you oitside of the school ok?"

"Fair enough bye" I said as I walk back inside the school.

"Be careful ok?" Butch yell at me and I give him a thumbs up as I keep walking.

Butch P.O.V

Of course I'm following her what if he do something bad to her. And I cannot let that happen. I sneak and follow her until she stop.

Fell In Love With My Bodyguard | BUTCHERCUPWhere stories live. Discover now