Chapter 6 Feelings for him??

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Buttercup P.O.V

Its been 2 weeks already since we went to my mom's grave. Dad couldn't come 'cause he had some 'restlers' to restle with so Butch joined me instead.

"Hey class is over its time for our last subject" Butch said snapping me out of my thoughts. I nod and went to my last period and so did he.

30 mins later...

I walk through the hallways and didn't even bother to talk. I just can't stop thinking or can't believe that Butch was able to comfort me.

"Buttercup?" I hear Blossom call

"Yeah?" I respond not looking her eye to eye.

"Are ok? You've been spacing out this past 2 weeks" Bubbles said with a concern look.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said still not looking at them and keep looking down.

"Buttercup we know it was your mom's birth and death day last 2 weeks" Blossom said.

"Well to be honest you don't look like your upset or something" Bubbles said correcting Blossom.

"Because I'm not I'm just thinking of something" I said.

"Then what are you thinking?" Blossom ask curiously.

"Its none of your buisness" I said while glaring at her.

She shrug it off and went home and Bubbles did the same while I'm just standing there staring at the guy who comforted me.

I take a deep breathe and walk towards him not saying a single word. I waited for him to say 'lets go home' but he didn't. Instead he just stand there looking at me while I look down at the ground. He just stare at me with a confuse look. We stand there in silent for a minute.

"Well aren't you gonna say 'lets go home'?" I finally speak up but still not looking at him.

"Well?" I ask starting to lose my patients. I can sense that he just smirk.

"If you're not gonna say anything then I'll be on my way now" I said starting to walk away but he grab me.

He pull me close to him. I look to the other direction not wanting to make eye contact with him.

"Why are you not looking at me?" He ask (more like flirt) I rolled my eyes and didn't respond.

"I ask you a question aren't you gonna answer it instead of looking away?" He pull up my chin making (more like forcing) me to look at him. I can feel my cheeks heat up. Don't tell me I'm..blushing?! Why the hell am I blushing?!

"Well aren't you gonna answer my question or just gonna stand there blushing like a tomato?"

"Well you're the one who didn't answer my question first"

"That's not an answer"

Our face is like centimeters close and I can feel him breathing.

"I was thinking of something!" I speak up and close my eyes tightly not wanting to look at his face getting closer to mine.

"Of what?" He ask finally pulling his stupid face away from me.

I didn't respond but glare at him.

"Do you want me to do that again for you to answer?" He said.

I shook my head. " you able to comforted me last 2 weeks" I said looking at the other direction.

"Come on lets go home" he said letting go of my waist. Wait he was holding my waist the whole time?! Why didn't I notice that before?!

"Pervert" I whisper to myself.

"I heard that" he said with a smirk on his face.

I just roll my eyes and walk behind him.

Butch P.O.V

'Thinking of me? Looks like butterbabe is starting to have feelings for me.' I thought to myself.

We arrived at our destination. One thing caught our attention is the piece of paper that's laying down the table.
Buttercup pick up the paper and read it.

"As usual" she sigh and hand the paper to me. I read it.

And it said:

Dear Butch and Buttercup,

I'm going on a world tour in LA so I'll be out for a couple of months. Buttercup if you're reading this, please behave yourself and listen to Butch. And Butch please watch over her make sure she stays out of trouble and always keep her safe. That's all take care kids and behave yourselves especially you Buttercup. Bye love you Buttercup.

-Love Dad-

So he's going on a tour on LA.. nice. I quickly change to my normal clothes and start to cook dinner for us.

I'm done cooking and preparing the table. I go upstairs to get Buttercup. I knock her door waiting for any respond.

"Come in" I heard her through the door.

"Dinner's ready downstairs" I said as I poke my head to the door.

She got up from her bed then head downstairs with me.

It was a complete silence until she broke it up and spoke.

"So and my friends are having a group project with your brothers and they suggest that we should do the peoject at their-I mean your place"

"Fine but I'm coming with you"

"As expected" she mumbled

It was early so I started to clean the table while she sat on the cousch listening to whatever music she's playing on.

I kept on washing the dishes until I heard something that REALLY surprise me. I take a quick look to who was singing such a VERY high note/tone voice. But when I see who it was, it made me even more shock than before

I see Buttercup singing 'one last problem' by Ariana Grande. And she aim all those high notes perfectly. Wow. Who knew she had an amazing voice. And who knew she like that song.

I stand there in shock until she notice me. She flinch a little when she saw me. I just stand there in shock with my jaw drop all the way down.

She...laugh? She just laugh at my reaction. I mean who wouldn't be shock to hear those high voices of hers.

"You should see your face its priceless!" She continue to laugh harder until one single tear fall from her eyes. Tears of joy more like tears of laughter.

"You should see your voice" I said as I point at her still in shock.

"Yeah whatever" she said as she put on her earphones back and play her music.

I continue to do the dishes until I'm finally done. I sigh in relief that I'm finally done. I'm about to lay down on the couch when I see Buttercup laying on the couch and fell asleep peacefully.

I smile at her peaceful sleeping face and chuckle. I stare at her for a while until she was shivering in cold. I grab a soft blanket and put it on her. She seems to be a little warmer now. I sat down on and place my head on the edge of the couch and fell asleep.

To be continue..

Annyeong!❤ Sorry for the late update. But I hope ya'll enjoy this chapter❤

Fell In Love With My Bodyguard | BUTCHERCUPWhere stories live. Discover now