Chapter 1

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Your POV:

It was a cold winter's day, closing around Christmas time. I sat at my usual place, an old bench, looking to be about 20 years old. Sitting in front of the frozen-over fountain, surrounded by trees, swaying in the cool breeze. A cold gust of freezing air attacked my face, causing my H/C hair to stick to my face. Squeezing my eyes shut, I moved my F/C scarf up to cover my mouth and nose. After the breeze stopped, I opened my eyes and looked back down at my book.

I come here usually, to relax and read or draw. It's my way of escaping reality, shutting out the world around me and focusing on the paper in front of me. After a while of reading, I felt the weight of the bench move down slightly as it creaked. I looked up from my book and to my side to see what was happening. A young man had sat next to me, we looked roughly the same age, early 20's. He had a dark blue windbreaker on, black jeans and boots. He had a dull yellowish scarf lightly wrapped around his neck. His jet black hair covered his face, so I couldn't see what he looked like. Out of the dark brown bag he had placed next to him, he took out a green sketchbook and opened it.

"Um, Hello? Do I know you?" I asked the strange man, out of curiosity. I didn't realise how croaky my voice sounded until I spoke, I felt slightly embarrassed. 'Great first impression Y/N, you're doing amazing.' I thought to myself before looking backing back at the man. He lifted his head and turned to face me. He was remarkably handsome, more than I had expected. He had paper-white skin, his nose and cheeks slightly red from the cold, he also had dark bags under his eyes. He stared at me, eyes wide, they were a crystal blue colour, almost too blue to be human. He looked into my E/C ones. Out of panic I looked away and buried my face in my scarf.

"No, I believe I do not." He replied softly, his voice was so soft and calming, but yet so cold and bitter at the same time. I looked up and back to him, I swallowed any anxiety that was hanging in my throat, and replied. "Well, um. I'm Y/N" I held out my hand to shake. He looked at my hand before turning back to his sketchbook. "Pleasure to meet you Y/N," He said quietly. I lowered my hand, slightly embarrassed. "What's your name?" "That's not necessary." He said sharply before beginning to draw in his sketchbook. "And why not? The name is the core of a person's profile." I said a little more harshly than I had intended, I leaned back onto the bench, the book still in my lap.

I felt something small and sharp dig into my back. "Ow, What the hell?" I turned around to look at what had hurt me. There was a small plaque on the bench, too old and worn down for me to read. I really need to get my eyes tested. I had never noticed it before. 'Does this mean this bench is like a memorial or something, what a stupid place to put it.' I thought before noticing the man was staring at me, obviously noticing how confused I was.

"It says, 'In loving memory of Phillip *****, loved by many. 1980-1990'" I was surprised when I noticed he was the one speaking, he hadn't even looked at it. "Wait what, how did you know? It's way too worn down to read, and you didn't even look at it." The man stared at me for a while, before turning back to his sketchbook. He seemed slightly saddened, although it didn't show in his face. "He was an old friend of mine, I come here every now and then to pay my respects." He said with a sigh. I was shocked, "I- I'm so sorry, I had no idea."

"I don't need your pity." He spat at me before closing his sketchbook and placing it back in his bag. He stood up and turned to me. I was obviously taken back by his sudden rudeness, but I tried not to show it. He looked down at me. "Until we meet again Y/N." He said quietly, before turning on his heel and disappearing into the rolling in fog. I didn't realise how late it had become until I saw the fog, so I quickly closed my book, dusted the slight snow off my blue jeans, and disappearing in the opposite direction.

That night I could barely sleep, I kept tossing and turning, my brain filled with images of the man I had met at the bench.' I didn't even know his name for God's sake, why am I thinking about him?!' I sighed loudly, the darkness of my room consuming me, until I fell into a light sleep, filled with the strange man from earlier...

A/N: AHHHHH FIRST CHAPTER DONE, not even a thousand words lol, sorry its kind of short, I'm quite tired and stressed because of work, but I really enjoyed writing this, I hope this is okay, ill try and update as soon as possible because I have a bunch of ideas I really want to write!! so hopefully those will be out soon, until then. Goodbye and have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening, where ever you are :)

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