Chapter 8

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Doctor's POV

I sat quietly on the wooden chair next to my most recent patient. Y/N L/N. they had just encountered  a dangerous murderer who had broken into their house, killing their neighbour and then attempting to kill them. The neighbour didn't survive the attack, they were found cut into multiple pieces, things painted on the wall, patterns, words, and paintings. If you ignored the fact it was human blood it was actually quite beautiful. But it was the blood of the victim, someone lost their life that night. I shuddered as a trickle of fear crept down my spine. 

I was caught off guard when the patient's eye's shot open and they sat up, gasping for air. Suddenly grabbing their side where they had been impailed. Tears began welling up in their eyes and their breathing was heavy and raspy. I went over to him, putting one arm around him. "Calm down, you're safe here. Don't worry, the killer- he's gone." His breathing became stabilised and calm. 

"Where am I?" He croaked, his voice was raspy as he'd been unconscious for roughly 2 days now. "You're in the Hospital Y/N. 2 night's ago you were attacked by a killer on the loose." The boy froze, his eye's widened. He looked over to me, his e/c eyes stared into my chocolate brown ones. His h/c hair was strewn all over the place, a mess. "Did you catch him? Has he been arrested?" He asked urgently. I looked away, feeling a stab of guilt. "I'm sorry, they didn't. He escaped through the back door and into the woods before they could catch and identify him."

The young man looked down at his hands. He tensed, obviously upset and disturbed by this. "Will they ever catch him?" I made eye contact with him again. "I'm sure they will. They always do." I gave him a reassuring smile. He returned it with a weak grin and looked up at me. I was about to ask him about the killer but a nurse knocked politely on the door, opening it to walk inside.

"Sorry to interrupt" She looked slightly worried for interrupting our conversation. I chuckled slightly and said "It's alright Janice, what do you need?" She tucked her platinum blonder hair behind her ear, and pushed her framed glasses up her nose. "We-well, Mr L/N, there's someone here to see you." She fumbled with her clipboard. 

The boy sat up straight and stared at her confusingly. "What do you mean? I don't have any friend's or family in town." He stared at her contently. She looked down to her clipboard and lifted one of the papers. Her eyes scanning the paper before dropping it and looking up at the young man again.

"w-well he says he's your friend. He gave us his last name. Otis, mr Otis? Black hair, pale skin, blue eyes." She seemed nervous. I looked over at Y/N and I saw his face relax and small smile appear. He began nodding. "Let him come in, please." He smiled and Janice nodded, before leaving and closing the door behind her. I looked over to the young man, I still had my arm around. He obviously had been excited that this 'Mr Otis' had come to visit him. "Is he a close friend of you?" I asked out of curiosity. He shook his head. "No" He said simply "We met a week or so ago." He smiled. I nodded in response.

There was a quiet knock on the door and the doorknob rattled. The door opened slowly and a tall, lanky man walked in. He had messy black hair that was strewn over his face. He looked awfully tired. Y/N's face lit up. He noticed this and he walked over to the bed. "So you do care about me" Y/N said happily. The man nodded, sitting on the chair next to the bed-side-table. 

Y/N began talking, chattering to him about things. I zoned out, focusing on his weird behaviour, he hadn't said a word. Could he speak? Thoughts rushed through my mind. My gut was telling me not to trust him, but I looked over at Y/N and his face was lit up with joy. He obviously thought otherwise. The seemingly older male seemed familiar, I swear I've seen him before. On the news maybe? 

I decided to ask him. "Mr Otis is it?" Y/N fell silent, and they both looked at me. This 'Otis' man, nodded at me and gave me a cold stare. "Do you mind if I ask you a couple things?" Y/N seemed confused and turned to me. "Why do you want to talk to him?" I just looked at him, turning my gaze back to the black haired man. He nodded again. It unsettled me that he didn't reply verbally.

"For one, can you speak? You haven't said a word this entire time." I looked at him with concern. "Yes, yes I can." I was surprised by this, his expression remained the same and his voice sounded nothing like what I'd expected. It was soft and quiet, I was thinking more raspy and stoner like but sure. "O-oh." I stammered out. "I thought you were a mute." He shook his head in response. "I just don't like talking, it hurts my throat." He didn't seem to show much emotion, so I decided to ask my second question.

"Another question if you will. Did you, just so happen to be on the news at some point? Or anything." This time I got emotion out of him. His body tensed up, his posture straightened and his eyes widened. "Why do you ask?" I was confused, is he hiding something? "You just seem familiar, I believe I've seen you somewhere before." He looked away, avoiding my gaze. "No. No, I haven't." Y/N seemed to notice his weird behaviour and decided to add onto it.

"Painter, are you okay?" He asked, he seemed worried. I was more confused about that name. 'Painter'? Was that his nickname or whatever? "Im fine." His voice was raised slightly as he responded and Y/N seemed taken aback. The weird man stood up. "I'll be on my way then. Get better Y/N" He patted his head, ruffling his hair slightly before leaving the room. I was astonished by his sudden disappearance and when I looked over at Y/N, his H/C hair had become more of a mess then it was before. His eyes were widened and there was a ever-so-slight blush spread across his cheeks.

He looked at me and shrugged. The light from the window began to dim as dusk fell. After a couple minutes Y/N dozed off. So I took the opportunity to leave. Quietly standing up and walking out the door, leaving him to sleep. The errie-ness of the empty hospital kept me on edge as I left to finish my shift.

A/N: AHHH IM SO SORRY FOR LEAVING IT FOR SO LONG- IM SO SORRY. D: I've been busy with a bunch of things and totally didn't forget this existed- im sorry- I hope this is okay, its kind of a filler chapter and if anyone has any ideas for the next chapter lemme know in the comments because my mind is blank TwT. Anyhoo, have a nice day :DDDDDD bye!

Also over 400 views! that so cool!!!!!! and over a thousand words- hope im getting better at this lmao. Enjoy the wholesome Helen and ej image, the art doesn't belong to me. Credit goes to the OG artist.

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