Updated headcanons for the next chapter

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It's in the works I promise. I just wanted to redo these because the ones at the start of the story are old and I've evolved as a human being when it comes to writing character headcanons.

That made no sense- im tired I'm sorry 😭😭😭


-He has incredibly pale skin caused by Anemia (will go into depth later)

-He has incredibly blue eyes, very much a standout

-His hair is short and messy. As he grew older it got more curly. When he was younger, he had an initial haircut at 6 but his mum wouldn't let him cut it unless it was a small trim so it didn't look like he was a hobo, first thing he did when he was discharged was cut his hair.

-he has two significant moles on his face, one under his left eye and the other next to his mouth on the right

-He has very large eye bags that never seem to go away

-his nose is very narrow and he has a very sharp jawline.

-His eyes and cheeks look very hollow, almost ghostly.

-He's not very strong and his build is very weak

-He looks like a stick

-He's very agile though and is very good in quick fights, can't keep one up though due to shit stamina

-He has a lot of scarring on his body. Mostly his legs and forearms. Most are things he picked up in the hospital or when he was at school but others are from other reasons (I presume you can connect the dots.)

-his hands are very long and lanky as well.

-he has terrible posture, resulting in back pain.


-He's a very self centred person. He will not do anything unless it will benefit himself in some way. Whether it's wealth, satisfaction or something to boost his reputation and ego.

-Despite him only caring for himself. He doesn't think very highly of himself.

-He's not one known for being great at making friends. Any friend he's ever had has died on him so he tries not to get close.

-He's very quiet but can keep a conversation running.

-To most people, such as the general public. He is a gentleman. He has manner's, he's seemingly kind but it's all a facade.

-He tries to keep his outside life and his private life very separated. Private meaning his murderous life.

-To people he is close with or (mansion) with other 'creepypastas'. He's very cocky and rude.

-He gets pissed off quite easily and isn't afraid to snap back at people.

-He can be incredibly sarcastic as well.

-He doesn't really like jokes as he can't really understand them and just ends up getting offended.

Killer life:

-Anyone who knows him as 'The Bloody Painter' doesn't know him as Helen and vice versa.

-He wouldn't risk anyone finding out either identity if they already know the other.

-He will kill off anyone who he deems as "beautiful" or someone that would fit perfectly for his latest piece.

-He only sees his victims as mere art supplies.

-He keeps a little mini fridge with Blood bags in it. Each Labeled with the blood's owner and the dated it was extracted. Amongst the many victim's names on these bags, his name also pops up a couple times.

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