Chapter 4

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Your POV

I woke up, the grey sheets of my bed, all over the place. I rubbed my face and groaned. Last night had been an un-easy sleep. I sat up and scanned my surroundings, the same white, paint peeled walls, the same clothes sitting in messy piles on the floor. I sighed, I really need to get a job. I got up, and changed into my usual f/c shirt and baggy jeans. I walked out of my room and stared at my worn down house. It was pretty pathetic compared to others in town. I went into the kitchen, the window above the kitchen was slightly open, the tiny lace curtains swaying in the cool winter breeze. The pot plants that hung from the ceiling, added a sort of comfort to the scene. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and scoffed it down. I tossed it into the sink, grabbed my f/c jacket and rushed out the door. 

The cold breeze of winter attacked my face, I recoiled and made a weird dying sheep noise. My neighbour, who was out on their lawn collecting the mail, stared at me. I felt my face get hot with embarrassment as I waved sheepishly and began running down the steps, and onto the pathway. Desperate to get away. The sound of voices, snow crunching under people's shoes, and  birds filled my ears. I stuffed my hands into my pockets, the feeling of the warm wool in my pockets, filled me with the feeling of safety.

I heard the noise of footsteps behind me, crashing against the concrete pathway, I thought nothing of it until the person bumped into me. "Watch where you're going!" The person snapped, they turned to face me and I immediately recognised them. Pale skin, blue eyes, black hair, blue jacket. I stuttered, I couldn't think of any words to say, we stood there in silence staring at each other. "You're that guy from Tuesday, aren't you? Y/N was it?" He asked calmly. His voice was so dreamy, so peaceful. "Um, yea. That's me." I ruffled my hair slightly, I swallowed the anxiety in my throat and tried for a second time. "I never got your name. What is it?" The man fell silent and looked away slighty. "I already told you, you don't need to know" He straightened his posture and looked down at me, as he was taller than me.

We both stared at each other and I cleared my throat. "Well can I at least get your number? You seem like a Nice guy to talk to.." He seemed slightly confused by the statement, a puzzled look appearing on his face. "Your phone number? You have a phone, don't you? Everyone these day's do." He looked away embarrassed. "No I don't, I never had anyone to really, contact so I thought I wouldn't need it." He looked back at me, his neutral expression returned. "Well then, if you don't have a phone. Is there any way of contacting you?" He thought for a moment, then pulled out a small piece of paper and a pen from his jean pocket. He scribbled something onto it and handed it too me. His fingers brushed against mine for a second, they were so cold, but something about it made me feel almost happy..

I looked at the paper, on it was small cursive writing, an email address. "This is your email?" I looked up from the paper, he nodded. "It's really the only way of contact I have besides letters, but you don't strike me the traditional type of person." Im not sure if I was too feel taken aback or grateful? "um, thank you. I'll make sure to email you when I get home to make sure it works." He nodded and began walking away. "Wait-" He stopped, and turned to stare at me. "Um, never mind, talk to you later" I began walking the other way. I'm not sure why I said that. I felt my face heat up. Maybe I really was falling for some random guy? No. That's weird. I kept walking until I made it too the cafe.

As I entered the cafe, something felt.. off. The staff seemed sad. I went over to the counter and was greeted by the usual barista. "Hi, how can I help you Y/N? The usual?" She seemed slightly uncomfortbal. I ran my fingers through my h/c hair. "Um, yes but I was wondering, is something wrong? everyone seems a little. I don't know.... sad?" She looked at me like I was crazy. "What? Have you not heard the news?" "What news?" I was incredibly confused, I had no idea what she was going on about. "They Identified the body that was found Tuesday night...." She looked away. "It was Judy. She used to work here..."

A/N: UUIVHUWRHUWHUVHUSOBWS I worked on this chapter on and off for the past couple days, I'm sorry it took so long, lol. I want to leave it at that, but next chapter WHICH I PROMISE ILL GET OUT SOON, Helen and Y/N will grow closer as friends, and I'll chuck some drama in probably, also I know I say it every chapter, but seriously, thank you so much for those who've read, it literally means so much to me, thank you. The next chapter might be a bit delayed because Im feeling a bit under the weather, but until next time, I hope you have a wonderful Morning/afternoon/evening where ever you are.


almost a thousand words, yay :D

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