Chapter 7

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Your POV

Warning this chapter contains the following: Murder, blood, bones, swearing and mentions of stalking. 

What an asshole. 

He left me on read. I sighed loudly and sunk into my bed, after a couple of hours I checked my emails again 'Sent. Read at 2:05pm' "Damn." I said out loud to myself. It was 5pm. "Maybe he's doing something?" I pushed the thought out my head, and switched back onto the movie I was watching. After it finished I rubbed my dry eyes and checked my mailbox again. Empty. "Damn" I muttered to myself. I checked my watch, 6pm. "I should probably eat." I closed my overheating laptop, and got up off my bed, the whole world spinning around me as I had stood up to fast. Hated that.

I made my way to the kitchen and looked through the cupboards. I found a packet of sweet biscuits, opened them and began to eat. I jumped up onto my worn down bench and sat there eating by-myself. It would look really sad if someone were to come in and see me like this. I felt something crunch in the biscuit and immediately spat it out. "What the Fuck!?" I looked down at the small amount of biscuit that just shot out of my mouth, inside it there was something small and white? The biscuits were brown, chocolate flavoured. I hopped off the bench and looked at the little pile of biscuit mush. I picked up the white thing and held it between my lanky s/c fingers.

It looked almost like- "Bone? Why the hell is there bone in my biscuit." I stood up, confused and disgusted. I doubled over and gagged at the thought that there could be more things in those biscuits. I had eaten like 10 already who knows what could be in there!? Thats when I noticed the smell. A metallic smell wafted into my nose and I choked. It smelt putrid. I covered my nose. "What the hell is that!?" It smelt familiar. Then it hit me. Blood.

My eyes were drawn to a small growing puddle of dark red liquid leaking out from the doorway to my living room. My eyes widened. I lived alone. I backed up hitting the cupboards, my breathes became loud and raspy, the metal handles of the cupboards digging into my back as I pressed up against it. As though it would make me disappear. I heard footsteps. Heavy boots colliding with the wooden floor boards. I covered my mouth, tears began welling up in my eyes, I was terrified. The serial killer going around, could it be him!? Them!? Her?! Whatever! The footsteps got closer and my heart rate picked up.

I saw the blood from under the door spray out followed by the sound of shoes in a puddle, in the scenario the puddle is blood. The sound of the door handle turning freaked me out and I buried my head in knees and wrapped my arms around my body and head, like a cocoon of safety. The door creaked opened and the foot steps grew louder and louder until they stopped. I was confused so I unraveled and looked up, only to be met by a masked figure. As night had fallen and I had no lights on, I could barely see what they were wearing but it looked like a jacket, they had dark hair, a small bright pin on their jacket and white mask with two blackened eyes and red smile..painted in blood. 

The person cocked their head to the side and that's when I noticed they were covered in blood, I don't know if it was theirs or someone else but I screamed bloody murder. The person stumbled back a bit as I had screamed right in their ear and I took that opportunity to run. I scurried out of their shadow and stood up into a run. I bolted into my room, slamming the door behind me and pressing my back against it. Breathing heavily. I heard the person get up and walk over to the door, instead of them banging their body against the door to get in, I heard a very quiet Knock Knock. 

I could feel my heart skip a beat. Everything was silent until they spoke. "y/nnnn~ I know you're in there~" I could feel my heart in my throat, the voice sounded so familiar but I couldn't pin point it. "H-How do you know my name, you creep!?" Life lesson: Never insult a serial killer. Suddenly I felt the door slam open, I lost my balance and fell right onto my stomach. I coughed as the sudden and heavy weight winded me. As soon as I tried to stand up I felt a foot press down on my back, and I struggled for air. The man leaned down and whispered into my ear "I've been watching you for quite some time Y/N, you'll be the perfect muse~" I gasped for air. Why did his voice sound so familiar, I mentally punched myself and tried to push him off me. But it did no use, he just pressed down harder. I coughed loudly before snapping at him "What the fuck do you mean!? 'The perfect muse', I'm a broke, 22 year old male with no fucking life!" The weight pressed down harder on my back and times like this I was so glad I didn't have breasts because good God would that hurt. 

"You seem to not notice how beautiful you are. I've taken an interest and wish to use you in my next art piece" This was followed by a loud and sadistic laugh, tears began to fall down my face. The laughed died out and he violently turned me over, Pressing his blood covered boot on my chest. He held an already bloodied knife to my throat and I gasped. "P-Please don't kill me you SICK PYSCHO!" I screamed. I placed his pale bloodied hand on my throat, squeezing and I began scratching at his hand, digging my long nails into his skin. By the looks of his hand, lots of people had tried before as there were scars on his skin, in the familiar semi-circle shape of the human finger nail.

"What's stopping me!?" He giggled sickly as he pressed harder. That's when he stopped, and whipped his head around at the sound of the front door being slammed open, followed by words of safety. "THIS IS THE POLICE. COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD AND WE WILL DO NO HARM." The man stood up and grasped the knife. It all happened so quickly. He pludged the knife into my side and pain shot through my body, everything went in slow motion. I felt light headed and I could see the man standing above me. He turned away and went out the door. I screamed so loudly my throat hurt before I coughed up blood. I heard the sounds of gunshots and screaming with the words "He's in the bedroom dickheads!" Before another gunshot and the sound of people running. Then everything went black...

A/N: I think this is the longest chapter yet wooooooooo- I'm in the mood to write something violent so in the next chapter you'll get to find out what happened to the person who died earlier on in Y/N's living room, and it will be gorey, so heads up- anyhoo over 200 views!? what!? Thank you all so much, I hope you have an amazing day - Bye!

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