Chapter 5

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Your POV:

The words echoed through my ears. The barista noticed my change of mood and looked frantically towards me. "Oh my God, Y/N i'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you like that!" she gripped my shoulders and shook my slightly. "No no no.  It's fine, don't be sorry. I would've found out either way." I placed my hands over hers, on my shoulders and gave her a reassuring smile. I saw a blush spread across her face as she yanked her hands back and looked away. "I guess it was just the shock that someone I knew died? You really don't have to be sorry about it."  I said calmly to her. She nodded then turned to me, the blush fading off her cheeks. "Well are you gonna order or not?" "Um, I think...." I suddenly felt a pair of eyes on me, I wasn't sure if it was just my imagination or not. But I whipped my head around scanning the place behind me.

Out of the corner of my eye, outside the shop window, a figure noticed I was staring at them, and  turned around too quickly before I could see their face. Due to the weather and the way the sun shone across this part of town. It was practically impossible to see what they were wearing, as they were covered by the shadow of the cafe's roof. A chill was sent down my spine, giving me a sense of unease. "y/n... Y/N!!!!!" I jolted back to reality and turned back around, face to face with the barista. "Y/N, are you okay??" I was silent for a while, before replying. "You, know. I don't think I'm gonna order anything. I might just go back home, I have work to do, you know? College?" "Oh... yea, well it was nice seeing you Y/N." "You too..." I shot her a smile, before stuffing my cold hands into my woollen pockets, and left the cafe.

The person I had seen outside the store earlier was no longer there. Which filled me with the fear that I was going crazy, or being stalked. Neither felt good. I had become extremely cautious and anxious as I walked down the snow covered streets. The feeling of being watched followed me everywhere as I walked. I kept checking behind me but no one was there..

When I reached my house I frantically fumbled with the keys, trying to unlock it as fast as I could, when I succeeded and I slammed the door behind me, pressing my back against it. I didn't notice I was breathing so heavily until my heavy breaths were the only noise in the empty house. I gathered my senses and took off my jacket, tossing it onto the hardwood floor. A small piece of paper fell out of the pocket and that's when I remembered. That guy, he had given me his email. A little spark of joy erupted inside of me, and I pushed the idea of someone stalking me to the side as I squatted down to get the paper. I took the paper and looked at it, the writing was hard to read but I could make out an address. 

"" I said to myself as I sat on the floor. I giggled slightly, what an interesting name for an email. "I guess he really doesn't want anyone to know who he is". I smiled to myself before getting up off the floor, and rushed over to my room, snatching my laptop off my desk and lying on my bed. I yanked it open, and logged in. Desperate to get onto gmail so I could contact the strange man. I typed the email into the delivery bar, and began typing away.

To: 'Painter1980(at)'

From: 'Y/Ntheincredible(at)'

Subject: Hey [Sent at 11:42am Thursday 14th of December]

Hey, It's me Y/N. We bump into each other a lot on the streets. You gave me your email earlier today so we could chat. Painter? You like to paint? I thought the name for your address was kinda cute. So I guess I'll call you painter now? If you really don't want me to know your name?

To spark some conversation, what's your favourite colour?

Sincerely, Y/N.

A Smile spread across my face as I hit 'send'. I hope he responds soon. I snatched my earphones off my bed side table, plugging them into my computer, and began to listen to F/A (favourite artist) [or] F/B (favourite band). I sat there for a while, slightly dozing off until I heard a ping. The sound of a new email in my inbox. My eyes shot open and quickly changed to the email tab, sitting up and pausing my music as I did so.

I stared at the words that showed up on my screen and began laughing, quite loudly to myself.

To: Y/Ntheincredible(at)

From: Painter1980(at)

Subject: re: Hey [Sent at 12:30pm Thursday 14th of December]

Dear Y/N,

I'm glad you could read my handwriting.

My answer is either Blue or Red. Your's?

And yes, I am quite fine with the nickname 'Painter'.


It was so simple and humble, yet so. Fancy? Is that the word? He seemed so proper when typing such a simplistic email. I smiled to myself and began typing away my response.

A/N: HELLO- yes I am alive. Sorry this took a little while bc my life has been a mess atm- so that's great. Um. Last I checked 153 views?!?!?!?!?! Holy shit- That makes me feel great, thank you to all those who have voted, commented, and even just read this book. It means a lot to me. Thank you, also this chapter and the next chapter are inspired by the book 'Simon vs the Homo sapiens Agenda' which was turned into the movie (which is pretty shit compared to the book. My opinion) 'Love, Simon' With the email type things- the book is one of my favourites, I don't really like the movie though. Sorry- anyways, chapter 6 will probably be out today because I have a bunch of free time atm- so, be prepared for that. Bye!

(ps: the (at) means @ because Wattpad was being annoying and didn't let me type It 😭) 

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