Chapter 11 (Angst warning)

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Warning the following content you are about to read includes: self inflicted injuries.

Helen's POV:

He wasn't sure how long it'd been. A month maybe? A month since he'd seen his 'friend'. Y/N. If he could even call him that. He wouldn't dare to go near. Not with the current situations. The police were hot on his heels. He'd forgotten to leave time, to leave a gap to stop them from hunting him down. He killed too close together, all to get a sliver of fear out of that boy. Now he paid the price. They hadn't actually arrested him yet. They just constantly brought him into interrogations. They never kept him in there for longer than an hour maybe. But he was still paranoid and anxious.

He paced along his hallway. He was wearing a loose shirt and a pair of shorts. Despite it being the middle of winter. He was sweating. Shaking. Anxious. He didn't want to get caught again, he knew it'd be the death of him. Quite literally. If he were to be caught committing yet another homicide he'd get the electric chair. He knew that, that's what the doctor had told him as he left the institution.

He paused his pacing as he reached the doorframe. Staring out into his dimly lit living room. It dawned on him. The whole room seemed to cave in around him. He grabbed at the side of his head as he sunk to the floor. He squeezed his eyes shut as his head pounded. Tears began to well up in his eyes but he dared them to spill. His head hung low, his jet black hair covering his face. Every joint and limb seemed to ache. The world around him went dark. His chest felt tight, he gasped for air, desperate as his chest caved in. His body shook. 

He couldn't get caught. He would not allow it. The last thing he needed was yet another person taking control of his life. First his parents, then his peers, then his friends, then the hospital. For the first time in 9 years he had been freed from captivity and he wasn't going to let it happen again. He slowly stood up. Still grabbing at his scalp. His vision blurred and his legs shook as they tried to support his failing body. He needed to hurt something. Stab something. Kill something. The itching urge, irritated him. It would stop this woozy feeling. He knew that. It always did.

He needed to be logical though. He made his way over to the kitchen counter, slowly but surely. He used the bench as physical support, holding himself upwards. 

If he killed or hurt another human being at this stage in the investigation it would all be over.

He pulled a large kitchen knife out of the drawer.

He would be caught.

He turned it in his palm.

He would get the death penalty.

He stared at the sharp edge.

He only had one choice. 

One way to relieve this itchy sensation. 

This urge.

He looked at his reflection in the blade...


He was going to use himself. This wouldn't have been the first time. He couldn't waste such precious material.  He crossed the room, the large blade in his right hand. He reached out with his left, grasping a large clear jar. He could collect it in this. He then slowly made his way over to the bathroom. It was the easiest to clean. He knew this was going to be bloody.

He placed the jar near the sink and closed the door. His chest still felt tight and he still felt woozy. He stared at his reflection in the mirror as he raised the knife near his left thigh. He looked tired, the bags under his eyes, a deep green. His hair was unbrushed, and a mess. His lips were dry and cracked, his skin as pale as ever. He let out a heavy sigh and closed his eyes as he drove the blade into himself.

His eyes shot open as pain slivered through his leg. He felt the warm liquid seep out of the wound and trickle down his leg. He pulled the knife out and looked down at the hole he had just created. His hands shook, speckled with his own rosey red blood. He bit down on his lip to prevent himself from screaming. He placed the knife down for a moment as he ripped off his shirt. His pale chest on display for no one but his reflection and the dead spider in the corner of the bathtub.  He picked up the bloodied blade once more as he positioned it near his hip, just a little higher up. So he wouldn't hit anything Vital. 

He drove it into himself yet again. This time, not as deep. He couldn't handle the pain. His whole body felt alive with sparks and stabs of pain. Tears spilt out of his eyes and he howled in pain. Why did he even do this in the first place. He came to his senses again and grabbed at his side. The blood gushed out of him. His whole body was shaking and the clean white bathrooom was slowly being tinted red. He grabbed at the sink, knocking off the jar. It shattered as it collided with the tiled floor. He used the sink as support. His hands were soaked with blood as he desperately tried to stop the bleeding. He was such an idiot.

Tears streamed down his face as he tried to keep himself conscious. His vision was blurring but he was determined to not let himself drift off. He snatched a towel off its railing and held it to his thigh, another to his waist. The white towels slowly turned red as he frantically rummaged around for something to fix himself with. His breathes became laboured and his body began to fail. He lost his grip and fell to the floor. Strewn up against the bathtub, he still held the towels close to the bleeding wounds. His eyes stung from crying, but still the tears fell. He was such an idiot. If the chair didn't kill him this sure would. He prayed that someone, anyone. Would come to help him.

His breathing became soft as his vision began to fail. His eyes fluttered shut. The last thing he saw out of the corner of his eye was a small yellow light, a glow almost. Then he drifted off into unconsciousness.


Idk I had fun writing this. 
Dw he'll be fine- maybe- i don't actually know lmfaoooooooooooo have fun interpretating the ending ☺️

Might update soon. Who knows.

I actually really like the idea of the whole stabbing scene and I might draw it and turn it into the cover, who knows. 🕺🏽

Have a nice day :D

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