Chapter 9

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Your POV

It's been a week since the attack, they finally let me out of the hospital. I walked down the wet footpath that weaved around the town. My hands pressed tightly into my jean pockets. I held my head low as water poured over my head. It was raining, bucketing almost but I didn't have an umbrella or a jacket with a hood. So I persisted through the cold winter's rain. I kept my eyes on the path and avoided the gaze of anyone who's eyes fell onto me. I felt agitated. I didn't want to be here, what if the killer came after me again and I actually died this time? I shook my head, no. I shouldn't think like that. 

The noise of the heavy rain soothed me as my hair and face got drenched. The oversized jacket the hospital gave me mostly covered the rest of me. My H/C hair stuck to my face as I walked. I accidentally stepped into a large puddle, icy, cold water splashing on my jeans, soaking through to my skin. I flinched at this. I felt uncomfortable as now half of my bottom half was cold and wet. 

I kept to myself, turning at the curb onto another street. In the corner of my eye I noticed someone sitting on one of the benches, I didn't see their face or what they looked like but they had a large black umbrella. As I passed them they stood up. A chill went down my spine, what if that was them? I would never know. I swallowed my fear and kept my head down. I froze in place when a shadow fell over me and the rain stopped. I could still hear it but not feel it. I slowly raised my head, half expecting to see the masked killer in front of me, holding a gun to my head. 
Instead I was met with a familiar face. The pale man stared back at me as he held the umbrella over my head, as well as himself.  

"You looked like you needed some help. If you stay out here any longer you'll catch a cold." He said bluntly. He definitely wasn't an open book but it seemed like he cared. A sense of warmth and safety flooded through me. "Thank you" I muttered, I didn't realised how croaky my voice sounded until I spoke, taken aback at this. He let out an ever so slight chuckle. I was surprised by this, yet again. He never was one to show any type of happiness really. "Wow, you actually laughed. Unheard of." He looked down at me. "It's almost like I actually care about you, so unheard of." 

I giggled slightly and yelped slightly as he slowly wrapped an arm around my waist, bringing me close to him. He was taller than me and my face practically collided with his chest. A blush spread across my cheeks. He smelt nice, like coffee and paint. I breathed in the scent, he also felt warm. It made me feel safe. He moved me more to the side of his body and he looked down at me again. He gave me the smallest smile possible before he started walking again, dragging me along with him. We walked side by side along the sidewalk, the umbrella sheltering us from the rain. We walked in pure silence before I decided to break it. 

"So? Mr Otis is it? Or was that just an alias."  I asked him, curiously. I recall that being the name he gave the nurse at the hospital. He tensed up, quite a bit actually. He inhaled sharply and his grip on my waist tightened. I let out a quiet yelp as he did this. His nails slightly digging into my side, I tried to wiggle out of it and he noticed this. loosing his grip. "Right. Forgot you knew about that." He cleared his throat, keeping his gaze straight ahead. "Yes that is my actual last name. It's not an alias. Surprisingly." "Oh?" Otis.. The name ringed through my head. It sounded awfully familiar. I brushed it off and looked back to the area around us. 

We turned onto my street, my house stood ominously on the hill. The dark overcast gave it an eerie effect. I shuddered. Afraid to spend another night on my own. We soon made it to the porch and we stepped under the cover. Otis closed the umbrella, shaking off the water droplets. I nervously unlocked the front door. Staring into the darkness that was my house. He noticed my worry and placed the umbrella next to the wooden chair that sat on my porch. He walked over to me.

"Are you alright?" I flinched as he put a hand on my shoulder. I stammered. Unsure of really what to say. Was I okay? Or was I purely petrified at the thought of staying alone in an empty house when theres a serial killer on the loose. I looked down at my soggy shoes and said simply. "No. Im scared. Im really fucking scared." I whimpered. There was nothing I could do about it, tears began to form in my eyes and I felt weak. I felt useless and pathetic. I wanted to just collapse onto the floor and wail my lungs out but I knew I couldn't. He was standing behind me. He would think I was weird. 

There was a long period of silence, the noise of the rain pattering on the roof and my occasional failed attempts at holding in tears. After a while he broke the silence. "Is it because of the killer?" He said softly. Stepping closer to me. I nodded. My H/C hair falling over my face. "I doubt he'll come back tonight but I can stay with you if you'd like?" I felt a sense of hope, a small smile appeared on my face and I nodded a second time. A little part of me couldn't help but notice his tone of voice. He seemed so sure about them not being here. I couldn't help but think he knew something I didn't. I brushed the thought off my mind and wiped my face. Inviting him inside.

I closed the door behind me and flicked on the lights and the heating. He sat down on the couch and looked around at the photographs and other things on the walls and shelves. "Tea?" He looked up at me, his bright blue eyes piercing through my skull. He nodded slowly, before turning back to the photos. I walked over into the kitchen, noticing the packet of biscuits still on the bench. I pushed back the bile churning in my throat as i hastily passed it. Turning on the kettle. I leaned against the counter, slowly taking out a mug. After the kettle boiled I poured a cup of tea and made my way back over to the living room. 

"Hey, do you mind if I head to bed? Im tired as hell and I need some rest" I croaked out, I felt like I was about to collapse. I rubbed my eyes and he stood up. Making his way over to me. "Of course, I don't mind. I'll just be here if you need me." I nodded, yawning in the process. My eyes were almost closed and I was about to make my way over to the hallway before I felt a warm pair of lips on my forehead. My eyes shot open and I felt my face heat up. I looked up only to see him pass me and make his way towards the kitchen..


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