Chapter 2

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A/N: before I start this chapter, if anyone reading highly believes in the Christian version of Christmas, aka Jesus' birth. I just want to warn you, because part of my head-canon is that Helen hates Christmas, so there will be some foul-mouthing towards Christmas, hope that's okay. There will also be some murder in this chapter, Sorry for any inconvenience. :)

Helen's POV:

As I walked away from the younger male, the fog had started to roll in and I was incased in the  fog. The snow crunched under my feet as my heavy boots met the icy ground. The cold wind swept my messy hair across my face as I walked through town. As night fell, the Christmas lights people had put up began to glow in the distance, dulled by the fog. 'What a stupid holiday. What's the point in celebrating a fake-as holiday about some fat man giving presents to kids. Ugh'  I thought to myself as I passed families of parents and kids, with bags full of presents. Aswell as kids continously begging their parents for whatever expensive gift they want. 'Ungrateful brats.' 

I reached my house and fumbled to get the key into the hole, it was so cold it felt as though my fingers were going to fall off. When I was finally able to get inside, I walked in and slammed the old door behind me, pressing my back against the door. The house may be old and worn down, but its home. I took of my snow covered boots and left them at the door before going over to the fireplace and putting it on. 

I took my blue jacket off and placed it on the old sofa, before walking into the kitchen and putting the kettle on. I leaned against the bench, closed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh. I made a fist and punched myself in the head. "Stupid Y/N." I let out another sigh. I went over to the sofa and collapsed face first onto it, breathing in the old decaying scent of the couch. I groaned loudly. My mind filling with images of the younger man I had only known for 10 minutes. "FUCKING HELL." I yelled before turning onto my back. I'd never felt this way before, it felt strange.

To take my mind off things, I decided on a little murder. That should help. I got up and snatched my jacket off the head of the sofa, and put my boots back on. I took a large, shiny kitchen knife from the kitchen and grabbed my mask from the kitchen bench. I went around the house to make sure every window and door was locked, before leaving out the back door.

Darkness had engulfed the town, so I kept to the outskirts, putting my mask on as I walked, keeping my head low. There weren't many people out, so that was a pro for me I guess. I reached a house, all the lights were off and the backdoor was slightly ajar. Perfect. I Jumped the fence and landed in their backyard, before walking towards the back-door, trying not to make any noise, whatsoever. I searched the house for anyone, before noticing there was a staircase. I creeped up the stairs, my knife clutched tightly in my hand as I stalked through the corridor on the second floor. One of the doors lay slightly ajar so I walked in. 

A Young girl, around 19 maybe 20, lay asleep in a flower printed bed. Her window was open, a wind-chime hanging infront swaying and chiming through the cool breeze. She had a pinkish- ginger-ish hair colour, and her skin was highly tanned. I walked over to her, and stared down at her. The perfect victim. I placed my cold, paint-stained hand over her mouth, gripping tightly. Her eyes shot open and she stared at me, beginning to panic, she attacked my hand, her sharp nails digging into my hand, tearing away the skin as she attempted to break free. I only pressed harder. I raised the knife, the sight of it startled the girl and she attempted a scream, only to be muffled by my hand. I plunged the knife into her chest, blood spraying across the both of us.

Her eyes widened and she stared at me, and I stared back. Her eyes went dull and her hands fell limp on her side, her struggled stopped and she fell into her forever slumber. I violently ripped the knife out, I stared down at her bloodied corpse. She'd look a lot better without that bulgey jaw of hers. So I placed both hands on either side of her jaw and ripped it off, it fell out of my hands and onto the carpeted floor, staining it with red. I began to rip her open more, extracting her ribcage and chucking it aside. 

I took out a paint brush, which I kept in the pocket of my jacket, and used her blood to paint on the walls. In the spirit and obvious theme of her room, I drew a bloody rose, surrounded by thorns. After some other minor details revolving around dismembering her more, and a couple more paintings. I opened her window more then it already was and jumped out, landing on a bush before hopping the fence, and disappearing into the outskirts of the silent town...

A/N: yay, its done, this took a while because my brain wasn't working right and I couldn't think of anything to write but I hope this is okay. In the next couple chapters hopefully Helen and Y/N will meet again, I just need to think of how thats gonna work, but ill walk that bridge when I get there. I hope you enjoy this and ill try and update as soon as possible. Also thank you to the 9 people who have read this lol. 

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