Chapter 10: Sacrifice

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"Danny, congrats on four million subscribers! That's amazing, dude..."

"Thanks, Kurtis. You know, we should go on tour again in 2022."

"Yeah, for sure."

Kurtis sat with a drink in hand, looking across Danny's lawn towards the evening sun. Danny noticed Kurtis tense up. A pained look flashed across his face. Danny wanted to reach out, grab his shoulder, and ask what's wrong.


Danny woke up in his bed in the Obama house. His body felt sore, especially his left arm. He tried to move his arm, and it moved. But it was painful.

It was still dark outside. Danny looked at the clock next to his bedside table. It was four in the morning. It was that dream that woke him up, and left Danny wondering what it had meant.

He tried going back to sleep, but it was impossible with the pain in his arm. Danny decided to get up and inspect the room.

It was nicely decorated, but it didn't really have much. Just an empty dresser, a few books, and a TV that only played local channels. The bathroom was a decent size.
There was one window in the room that overlooked part of the backyard. Danny tried opening it, but it wouldn't budge. He also went to the door and tried opening it, but it was locked from the outside. Damn. He was getting hungrier by the minute. Guess he'd have to wait a few hours.


Kurtis was tossing and turning in the small bed he was designated. The bedrooms for the workers were attached to the office space. Well, they weren't much of bedrooms. It was two rooms, separated by men and women. They were all filled with bunk beds, like a cabin at a camp. Kurtis recently got a new sleeping arrangement, where he had the bottom bunk and John had the top bunk.

Kurtis got out of bed quietly and looked around. Everyone seemed to be asleep. There weren't any clocks in here, or windows. Standing up, he poked John in the arm. He rolled over to the opposite side. Sighing, Kurtis goes to the other side of the bunk bed and slaps John Mulaney in the face. This wakes him up.

"What the hell?"

"Sorry man. But I've gotta talk to you." Kurtis climbs the ladder and sits on the edge of the bed.

"What do you want."

"We need to get out of here. It's time we start planning." Kurtis spoke with urgency. John picked up on this, and attempted to look more attentive. He was still tired after being waked up at who knows what hour in the morning.

"I was thinking about trying to contact Danny."


"That's what I'm trying to figure out."

"In order to contact him, we need to get out of this basement."

John looks at Kurtis in pity. "Sorry Kurtis, but there's no way we're getting out of the basement. You'd have to contact him from here."

Kurtis shakes his head. "We just need a distraction, John. And that's where you come in."

"What the fuck am I supposed to do?"

"Watch your attitude John. Also keep it quiet, we don't want to get caught." Kurtis pauses, looking around dramatically. "First, instead of going to entertain Obama, you stay down here. You throw chairs, destroy computers, you name it. Once the security guards get to you, I'll distract them somehow. We both attempt to make a run for it. Once I'm upstairs, I'll look for Danny." 

"I know where Danny is staying."

"Really? Where at?"

John paused, recalling a memory. "When I went up into the house to entertain Obama, I caught a glimpse of Danny walking out of a room. When you go up the stairs to the second floor, it will be on the left side, third door down."

Kurtis hugged John. "Thank you."


"ALL WORKERS TO THEIR DESIGNATED COMPUTER" A voice blasted through the intercoms. Kurtis and John got up, walking along the other workers. Two guards walked over to John. He needed to be escorted upstairs. Kurtis gave John a look, signaling that it was go time.
John went crazy. He picked up chairs and threw them at the guards. He shoved computers off the tables. "FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!"
Kurtis took this as his cue to run up the basement stairs. He looked down, and saw John looking desperately at him. Both of them knew this would have consequences. Kurtis didn't have time to help John. He continued up the stairs, until he was out of the basement. Kurtis heard a gunshot. He grimaced.

Kurtis ran to the stairs and down the hallway. He opened the third door. "Danny?" Kurtis looked around the room. He wasn't in here. "Damn it! Where the fuck is he?"

Kurtis Conner x Danny Gonzalez x ObamaWhere stories live. Discover now