Chapter 8: Training

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A heavy pounding on the door woke Danny.

"Hello?" he said groggily.

A guard entered the room. "Get up. You have training today." The guard then exited.

Danny laid his head back down on the pillow. He wasn't used to getting up so early. The sun peeked through the blinds, and casted a golden glow on the bed. Just as Danny was about to fall back to sleep, the guard entered again.

"I figured this would happen. I'm not reminding you again. GET UP!" The guard yanked the blanket and sheets off him, leaving Dan shivering and forced to get up.

"Did you really have to do that?" He complained

The guard rolled his eyes, and walked out the door.


Danny was excited for the day. He wondered what the training would have in store for him.

"Danny Gonzalez to the foyer, I have a little surprise for you." Obama's voice boomed from downstairs. He left his room, and went down the hallway. Danny looked down from the stair railings, and saw Obama holding a small container.

"What's in the box?" He asked, once he made his descent to the floor Obama was on. Barack smiled, and opened the container. Inside was a chocolate chip muffin.

"A muffin? Oh..." Danny couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed, since all of Obama's gifts had been very extravagant. Despite this, he still managed to give him a weak smile. "Well, thank you." He took the muffin and bit into it. Dan stood there in a bit of a shock.

"This tastes absolutely HEAVENLY! WHO MADE THIS?" he took another bite into the muffin.

"Well then! I'll tell Michelle you liked it."

Once Danny was finished with the muffin, the former president led him outside. The backyard was huge, and was separated by two main parts. The first part was for recreational use. It had a pool, patio, and a well kept garden. The second part had a large expanse of green grass, and it looked like an obstacle course was set up. There were monkey bars, a wooden climbing wall, ropes, and the last section had targets set up.

"This will be the area you train in. I want to test your strength, your skill, and your agility. Now, I'm no fitness expert. But, Michelle is. So she will be training you." Obama looked over Danny's shoulder, and Danny turned around to see Michelle, wearing a tracksuit and a whistle around her neck. She greeted Danny with a smile.

"Thanks, honey. Alright, are you ready to get pumped up?!" Michelle exclaimed.

Danny felt enthusiasm course through his veins. "YES I AM!!"

Nicki Minajs "Super Bass" begins playing.

"Ten laps around the yard. Go!" And with the click of a timer, Dan runs off. He went for the occasional run now and then, but he wasn't used to being timed. Despite this, he wanted to impress Michelle, and prove his worth. Around five laps in, he started feeling exhausted. There was a stitch at his side. But Danny pushed through it. Michelle noticed his visible exhaustion, and decided it was time for some words of motivation.

"Come on! You can do this!"

Danny was on his last lap. Giving one final spurt of speed, he dashed to where Michelle was standing.

"8 minutes and 35 seconds. Not bad."

Danny stood in front of Michelle, bent over, trying to catch his breath.

Michelle gave him a pat on the shoulder. "You have to do the obstacle course next."

Dan walked over to the start of the course. He would have to do the monkey bars first. Easy enough, right? he thought.

"Alright, when I blow this whistle you'll start. Once you get done with the monkey bars, you move onto the next obstacle. No breaks in between. Do your best. You got this!" Michelle said, holding the whistle. "On your marks, get set," Danny got into a running position, "and GO!"

Michelle's whistle blew, and he climbed up the ladder. He fixed two hands on the bar in front of him, and dropped down from the platform, dangling in the air. Danny swung forward, gripping the other bar. Struggling, he swung forward again. He felt himself slipping from the bar, and quickly kept swinging forward. He was almost there. Reaching forward for the last bar, he swung his body to it, and once he reached it, he hopped down onto the platform.

"Remember, no pausing!" Michelle reminded him. Danny ran through the orange cones lined up in front of him. He then stepped through tires, and did twenty jumping jacks. He felt like he was back in elementary school gym class.

Finishing off, he climbed a ladder to a platform in a tree. He would have to swing on a rope to the other side. Taking the rough rope in his hands, Danny backed up to the very edge of the platform. Then he began running, and jumped. He swung through the air, feeling relief of the cool wind on his face. The next platform was so close. His feet touched the tip of the wooden platform. Danny jumped.

He fell.

Kurtis Conner x Danny Gonzalez x ObamaWhere stories live. Discover now