Chapter 3: Obama Crib

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Kurtis sits in his car, outside Danny's house. He turns down the music as Danny walks out the door. He's wearing a fancy black suit with a bright yellow tie. Upon closer inspection, the tie has small kermits. Kurtis waves, and Danny opens the car door.

"Hey man. What's with the tie?" Kurtis asks, looking closer at it.

"My grandma got me this tie. Don't you DARE make fun of it. I think a Kermit tie is very fashionable, and I think Obama will enjoy it." Danny sits down, and buckles his seat belt. He puts a lemon LaCroix in the cup holder.

"I wasn't making fun of it, I think it's pretty cool. Obama will definitely like it. By the way, are you excited to see him? This is an opportunity of a lifetime."

Danny gives a small smile. "Yeah, it's definitely exciting."

"Just checking. You seem a little unenthusiastic to see the former president. He's a legend."

"I'm excited, just a little nervous I guess."

Kurtis pulls out of the driveway and heads down the road. He takes a left. Danny sips on his LaCroix.

"Do you actually like that stuff? It's like watered down juice."

Danny looks at Kurtis like he's crazy. "This stuff is like luxury soda," he takes another sip, "it's the essence of fruit. And I'm taking a break from soda anyways. Being healthy, ya know?"

Kurtis laughs. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I should probably be more healthy too. I drink so many energy drinks. It's a little scary."

Kurtis continues to drive.

"I didn't know Obama lived by you."

"Yeah, it's really crazy. Maybe he just moved here, or this might be a vacation house."

Kurtis drives up a long, curvy path. The path is shaded with surrounding trees, blocking the view on both sides. After about five minutes, they arrive at a iron gate. Kurtis notices a buzzer. He clicks a random button on it.

"Hello, you are at the Obama residence. May I have your name?" a ladies voice echoes out of a speaker.

"Yes this is Kurtis Conner, with Danny Gonzalez."

A couple of seconds go by. Then the lady speaks again. "Alright, you may enter."

The gate opens. Kurtis drives through and soon they see a huge mansion. The mansion is creme white with a Spanish style roof. It has a BMW parked in the front brick driveway. The lawn is perfect, a fresh green color with no weeds. Flowering bushes surround the front lawn, which has four white lawn chairs sitting by an oak tree. Kurtis parks his car in the driveway, and gets out. Him and Danny walk up to the door, and knock. Obama opens the door, dressed in beige dress pants and a fancy plaid shirt.

"Hello! I'm glad you could make it. I know you're Kurtis, and you must be Danny."

Kurtis smiles, and Danny shakes hands with Obama.

"Come inside! Michelle's working, but she made a delicious cucumber salad."

Kurtis and Danny step inside. They are in the foyer, where a grand staircase leads to more rooms, and a chandelier hangs from the ceiling, lighting the room in a soft glow.

"This is a lovely house, Mr.Obama." Danny says, looking at the room in awe.

"Thank you Danny! Michelle helped pick out some of the furniture and lighting fixtures. It's truly wonderful home. Now come with me to the living room." Obama smiles, and walks to a doorframe on the right. Kurtis and Danny follow behind, taking in the house.
They enter the living room. It has a large light grey couch with various throw pillows, all perfectly placed. A glass table sits in front of the couch. Two cozy armchairs sit by the grand white brick fireplace. The top of the fireplace is adorned with pictures of Obama and his family.

"You can sit on the couch if you'd like, I'll pull up an armchair for myself." Obama pulls the armchair closer to the glass table, across from Danny and Kurtis. The cucumber salad sits in a wooden bowl on the table. Two plates, forks, and napkins rest by the salad. Kurtis puts some salad on his plate. Danny grabs his fork, examining it.

"Real silver spoons. Do you like the design?" Obama asks.

"Oh yes, it's very intricate." Danny points out. He grabs some salad on his fork.

"So I've called you here to tell you about your job as my media coordinator, Kurtis. You get to pick photos for my social media, add captions, create ads, and come up with photo and video ideas. How does that sound?"

"That sounds great." Kurtis says.

"Your income will be $70k a year." Obama adds.

"Wow! Thanks for this job. This is the best opportunity ever." Kurtis exclaims. Danny quietly eats his salad, not saying anything. He slightly frowns. Obama notices.

"Something wrong?" Obama asks, looking at Danny.

Danny looks up. "Oh! Sorry, I'm fine."

"Alright. So Kurtis, when can you start?"

"As soon as you'd like sir!" Kurtis nearly shouts.

Obama laughs. "You're very eager. That's good. I know you'll be passionate about the job."

Kurtis and Obama continue to chat. Danny doesn't take part of the conversation. Instead he gets up and exits the room, soon finding himself lost in the house. Danny finds himself in a large office. The office has a wooden desk and chair, with filing cabinets. The windows give natural lighting to the room. Danny walks towards the desk. He notices a file saying "TOP SECRET" in big red letters. Danny opens it.

Kurtis Conner x Danny Gonzalez x ObamaWhere stories live. Discover now