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chapter five,

"what did you need me for?" Alice asked finally, looking nervously at her side.

"Oh well ..." she started to speak. "I need to go to town for some things and I was wondering if I could take Tyler...  I don't know how to drive, never learned." she explained looking at her honestly, as it was the truth.

"Yes of course." Alice answered without thinking about it. "Make sure you come before sunset, Sebastian wants to see you at the initiation campfire." he asked her and took her by the elbow, accompanying her slowly to the exit. "Thank you Alice." he said with a smile. "I'll be back in a moment, I'll take Tyler with me, if he's okay. "

"Sure, Giannina." She nodded. "It's okay."

When Gianinna left the house, she instantly got her phone out of her pocket and dialed Tyler's number, which he had by the name "Ty🏡"

"Hey, sunshine." he answered and made her laugh.

"Hey, creator." she said, looking at the sky while walking to the kitchen. "I need to ask you a favour." she said, adding.

Suddenly, the hairs on the back of giannina's neck stood up due to the sensation of being followed, she looked back with a raised eyebrow and sighed when she didn't see anyone.

"I need you to take me to town, I already have approval from the nun, and since you know I can't handle it, you are my salvation, bestie." she said, completely forgetting about that sensation on her neck as she reached the kitchen.

"Of course i'll take you." he instantly replied. "You didn't had to do all the ass kissing though, I'm gonna take any chance at leaving this camp, I can't stand children, I don't know how i came up with this idea." they both laughed at the bunch of lies that Tyler was saying, he was great with kids and wanted to be a dad was one of his dreams.

"Oh, I can imagine." she said. "I'll meet you at the kitchen. Is that alright?" she asked and Tyler agreed almost immediately.

"Yeah, be there in 5." he said, and cut the phone call.

While Gia told the girls where her whereabouts would be, Tyler came to the kitchen while playing with the keys, looked at her and she quickly said goodbye to leave the camp with Tyler, sighed as she got into the passenger seat while both were immersed in an interesting talk about what alcohol they would buy.

"I can't believe you never had a Fernandito." Gia said shaking her head incredulously.

"Sorry for not being Latino, Gia." they both laughed and she shook her head.

When they got to the store they both got out and while Gia was buying the things she needed, Tyler was waiting for her with his phone in his hands, when he looked up he saw how two men, around 40 years old, entered the store while Gia was leaving with two paper bags in his hands, in one of them was his personal belongings, and in the other a bottle of vodka and a bottle of Fernet Branco.

"Hey, precious." one of them greeted her, but she fidgeted at the man's comment.

"Are you going to ignore us?" the other jumped up, trying to continue what his friend had started.

Gia began to walk faster until she reached Tyler's car, who saw her surprised.

"It doesn't matter, sweetie!" one of the two men called. "We already know where you are staying anyway."

A chill ran through Giannina's spinal cord as Tyler wanted to go grab him with the blows, Gia had to grab him by both shoulders and drag him to the truck, and swear that he was okay and that they had done nothing to him but yell at him.

Gia was a ball of nerves, her hands were shaking and her temperature had risen much more than it already was.

As soon as they arrived at the camp, Gia fell to the ground crying because of the horrible experience she had gone through, she was afraid, afraid that they had been followed, afraid that she had put the children in danger, afraid that they would abuse her.

"What the fuck happened ?!" Xavier asked abruptly reaching the ground, just as Gia felt Xavier's arms tug at her chest and she began to cry uncontrollably.

"Some idiots started yelling at her at the gas station, they told her they knew where she was staying and they were going to come get her, or shit like that." Tyler said clenching his fists as he watched Isabella and Jamal come running up.

"Baby, listen to my voice." Xavier asked her, taking her face with his hands, making her raise her face.

"X-Xavier ..." he said with fear in his voice. "I'm scared, what will happen if they come? Are they going to hurt me? You? The children?" he began to number nervously, feeling his breathing increase rhythmically.

"Call fucking Paula!" Tyler yelled at Montana and Olivia, who had gotten closer at the time.

Xavier ignored Tyler and lifted Gia into his arms, running her to the infirmary office, where he wanted with all his heart might Paula to be.

When they arrived at the infirmary, Paula began to work quickly, injecting her with a serum along with helping her breathe with two exercises that seemed to help her a lot.

"Why don't we let Gia get some rest? The campers are going to wake up in an hour or so, Olivia and Isabella girls, why don't you go see if they need anything?" Sebastian suggested after a few minutes of arriving.

"I'll stay." Tyler said, seeing Gia's body sleeping.

"I'll stay too." said Xavier, who hadn't let go of her hand since he had arrived.

"Paula, one of the kids scratched his knee, can you come over?" Olivia asked her breathlessly.

Paula kicked everyone out of her office except Tyler and Xavier and left, leaving the three of them together.

After a few minutes in which the two were alone, not counting Gia, Tyler began to get nervous, he did not understand the presence of Xavier in that room.

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