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"I didn't know you smoked, Paula." Tyler told her when he saw her light a cigarette while lying on his bare chest.

"Not much, just on special occasions, actually." Paula told him.

"So you think this is a special occasion?" Ty asked, chuckling slightly.

"It is ..." Paula told him, with a smile.

"I agree, Pau-" Tyler was talking until he was interrupted by three shots that were heard from his cabin. "What the fuck?" he said, straightening up on the square bed that belonged to Paula.

Both of them put on their clothes as quickly as they could, nervously got out of bed and tried to turn on the lights to realize that, in reality, they were off, it was a power outage.

"Stay behind me, please." He told Paula, who had been positioned behind him by nature. Tyler looked at how the lake flow was relatively calm, sighed for a second, and started walking on his way to Alice's cabin. Paula kept her promise and stayed behind Tyler the entire time, watching his back.

But when she was about to arrive, she found her friend running towards the same place.

Isabella ran up to both of them with ragged breathing, before they could reach the door.

"Guys, you have to go, now." she said, rushing into them. "There are some guys with a gun firing, I already told Alice, she's evacuating the kids" he whispered quickly. "Take the keys, wait for us in the truck, I'm going to find Liv and Gia."

Paula and Tyler believed him without doubting his word for a second, Paula grabbed the keys and wanted to drag Tyler by the shoulders to carry him, but he did not move.

"I have to find my brother, Bella." she shook her head and took his hands.

"I'll go get him, get out of here. Now." Bella told him, he breathed, looked up at the night sky and nodded.

"You better bring my brother, Isabella." sigh. "I'll be waiting in the car. Yes?"

"Yeah, Ty." she said "Now go, I'll see you in a few minutes." She asked them, and Paula and Tyler left there, crouching and running.

"Belle?" Gia called from inside the house, she was hiding and opened the door for one second to let Isabella in.

And that was her mistake.

"Omg, you're okay." Giannina said, hugging her. "I was so worried. Where's Xavier? He left with you." Gia said, making Isabella's rage to grow.

Isabella breathed for a hot second and put the gun out of her back, pointing at Giannina, who looked at her with a blank stare on her face.

"Izzie? What are you doing?" Gia asked, raising her hands to the weapon she held with a steady arm.

"Did you meet him how long? Two days ago?" She said, putting both of her hands on the trigger to secure her pulse.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" she told him, tears gathering in her eyes. "Put the gun down, let's talk, Izzy." she asked her, but she didn't listen to him.

"Xavier. I'm talking about him." Isabella said, shooting venom into her voice.

"What does he have to do with all this?" She asked, breathing heavily.

"That you want him! I know it perfectly well!" Isabella told her angrily.

"What do you mean? What if i did wanted him! There's nothing wrong with that!" she practically screamed, praying for a miracle to save her.

"I knew I never had a chance with you. You never though of this as a possibility? You never pictured us?" Isabella told her angrily, Gia didn't know what to answer, so she just looked at her fearfully. "But if I can't have you, Gia, no one is going to have you. Did you hear me? No one!"

If Xavier had entered the room two minutes earlier, he would have been able to save Giannina, who was lying dead on the floor. But he didn't, and when he entered the room, a cocktail of emotions went through his thoughts.

In a sicker way, he knew that he would be able to be by her side for the rest of eternity, but this was not the future that Xavier wanted for her, he wanted her to be happy, and trapped in this camp he was not going to. to be, she was not going to be happy.

Xavier disarmed Isabella before she could even reason, and knocked her out before going to the ground to see his beloved, who was lying dead. He took her in his arms and carried her as fast as he could to his cabin, where he left her lying down and waited patiently for a very big explanation when she woke up.

The one who woke up was Olivia, with a sharp pain in her neck, she looked around in confusion, the last thing she remembered in her memory was a hug from Montana and a knife sliding down her neck. How was she alive? She looked around the room suspiciously, meeting Montana, who was looking at her delicately, as if she were going to break.

"Wh-what happened?" Olivia told Montana, breathing heavily. "Did you ... kill me?" she asked him, touching his neck to see that it was intact. "Montana ... what's going on? I ... I died, I remember dying."

"Liv ..." Montana started to approach her slowly. "You died, it's true." he tried to speak as slowly as he could to make her understand. "When you die here, you get stuck ... I died here in 1984, at this very summer camp. There is no way out of here, belive me, we have tried everything"

"You ... it was you." Olivia sighed to herself. "You murdered me to stay here, y-you ... you stole my life."

Oliva started having a panic attack as Montana felt her heart break as she saw Olivia say all those scary things about her. "You are a murderer, you, you killed me." she said, spinning instead.

Olivia bolted out of that cabin to run to the truck and get out of there, but when trying to reach the exit of the camp, she found herself back in the cabin where she had woken up, with Montana staring at her, embarrassed.

"What the fuck?" she said nervously.

"I told you." Montana replied. "You can't go, you're a ghost stuck here." she continued speaking "Forever."

Jamal woke up when he heard two shots very close to his cabin and got up excited, the children had not heard anything and placidly continued to sleep, he sighed with fear and looked out the window to Alice Booth's cabin, in which he noticed a lot of movement. Jamal took a very big breath and was filled with courage to go to the cabin to see what the damn thing was happening, he had 911 dialed on his phone when he started spying through the window and saw Xavier disarming Isabella, and Giannina lying down. on the floor, bleeding to death.

He fell back on the floor in fear, and began to run to the exit to try to find help, where he found Tyler and Paula, who received him with a hug.

"Brother, we have to get out of here now." Jamal told him nervously. "Do you have the keys?" he asked Tyler, who nodded.

"We can't leave yet, we need to go find Gia, Olivia, Isabella ..." we can't leave them here.

"Isabella was the one who was shooting, Tyler." Jamal said, looking back nervously. "He killed Giannina, Xavier took his gun from him, I saw him and I went to hell brother, we have to go, we will call the damn police once we get to a safe place."

With all the pain in the world, Tyler left his best friend at camp and dumped her by taking out and calling the police.

"Why did you do this to me, Montana?" she asked him, after minutes of sitting in silence.

"That friend of yours ... Isabella." Montana said, looking at her. "I found a gun with various ammunition in her luggage, and after seeing how jealous she is with Giannina, I wouldn't be surprised if she went to try and kill Xavier."

"Isabella?" she asked for clarification. "She would never do that ... yeah, she might have minimal crush on Gia, but not enough to kill someone." she said with concern in his tone. "And ... how do you try to kill him, he's dead too?" she asked him, and Montana just nodded her head.

"Ray, Chet, Xavier and I died here in 1984, just how you guys were going to die." Montana began to explain. "This camp is like ... damn, people always get hurt."

"That explains a lot, I guess." Livi said with humor in her voice, denying and making a laugh escape from Montana's lips, who followed suit.

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