Who Are You?

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As I walking down the street, I started to walk faster then usual, because creepy men exist. So I decided to try to take a short cut to my apartment by walking through this dark alley way.

(Now before y'all say anything, yes this is very stupid of Y/n. But it's what helps the whole plot begin)

I thought I heard someone walk near me, but I didn't see anyone. When I continued to walk down the dark alley I heard a low voice yell at someone.

"How useless can you be!" The low voice yelled.

The sound of the low voice yelling made me get creeped out and freaked. So I ran up to brick wall and tried to make sure no one saw me.

As I continued to listen to the two mans conversations, I started to get curious what they were talking about.

"I'm sorry boss. It's just the guys weren't listening and they all bailed." A man said in a frightened tone.

"Like I'm gonna believe that bullshit!" The "boss" yelled back.

"I swear I'll make it up too you." The man said getting down on his knees begging for forgiveness.

"Oh is that so. You really think I'm gonna trust your dumbass one more time. I have no use for you anymore, I'll just have to find someone else." The "boss" said angrily.

"No please you don't understand. I have a fami-." But before I knew it the man had burned to dust.

I started to freak out as I literally just witnessed a murder.

"Oh fuck." I said under my breath.

I quickly tried to walk away quietly from the scene so he doesn't see me. As I thought I was about to make it out of the alley. I felt a big hand wrap around my mouth and another hand grabbed my neck.

"Hey doll, where ya think your going?" The strange man.

"What the fuck is happening. There's no way I'm gonna die today. Are you kidding me, I'm gonna die before my grandma!" I thought to myself as all the random thought rushed through my head and I try to break out his grasp.

"Danm, you can keep trying but you're too weak. The "boss" said as he grabbed my pepper spray breaking it with one hand.

"Let me go!" I said but it was muffled by the "bosses" big hand around my mouth.

I kicked and turned but couldn't move out his grasp. So I decided to do the one thing I could do and that was bite his hand. I slightly opened my mouth and grabbed his skin and bit down as hard as I could.

"Ow. Bitch!" The strange man yelled as he finally took his hand off my mouth letting me breathe for just a second.

I quickly took this chance to get the hell out of there and ran as fast I could. But every turn I took I ran into a dead end.

"Oh shit. I'm gonna die." I said as I ran into another dead end.

As I turned  around to run away I ran into what felt like a hard wall. But it wasn't, it was the "boss" guy.

"Hey doll face. Missed me?" The "boss" said as he walked closer towards me.

As he walked up to me I took this as my chance to kick him in the balls and run. But as I tried to kick him, his hands grabbed my leg in time before I could actually hit him and twisted my leg making me scream in pain and falling onto the hard gravel. 

I tried to crawl away, but as I did so I felt a big boot on my back. The "boss" man was slightly stepping on me and starred at me struggling.

"You really don't give up do you?" The "boss" said as he thought it was quite amusing to see me struggle.

"Who are you?" I managed to whisper out.

"You'll see."

I tried to get up but the strange man walked over to me and bent down gently grabbing my face. He then grabbed something from his pocket and he pulled out a white cloth. And before I knew it, I was knocked out.

~the next day~

I woke up in a empty room and as I slowly opened my eyes I saw someone straight across from me.

It was the man who knocked me out and now he took me who knows where. I started to panic and looked all around me, to see my hands handcuffed to a pole and I was sitting in a quite damaged chair.

"Oh hey doll face, you finally decided to wake up." The strange man said as he was leaned against the wall.

I didn't respond and I stared at the man in front of me. I couldn't quite see his face very well cause of the lighting and he just waited for me to respond.

"So quite." The man said as he started to walk away.

"Wait?" I said in a slight panic.

"Oh so she does talk." The man said as he turned around.

"Who are you?"

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