May I

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I looked at Dabi in front of me and starred at him as he used his quirk.

"I can't let this woman die!" I thought to myself as I took action.

I saw as Dabi's fire was getting close to the lady so I did the only thing I could do. I reached my arms out and wrapped my arms around him. I fell onto him and made us fall towards the ground. I made sure that he was coming down with me and as we fell towards the ground I looked at his hands to see if his blue fire was still going.

When I looked at his hands, I started to feel a tiny bit happy. The blue fire wasn't going and he wasn't using his quirk. So I thought for maybe just a second that I saved the young lady.

As we hit the ground I fell on top of Dabi and he hit the ground pretty hard. Dabi made a loud low grunt as he hit the ground. I fell on his waist and didn't move as I immediately looked around the hallway.

One of Dabi's hands grabbed my thigh and his hand was still very hot so he left a mark. Yet I ignored the pain on my thigh and looked for the young lady.

As I was looking around to see where the young lady had gone, I couldn't see her anywhere.

I started to get disheartened as I saw her purse drop to the ground. I looked above to see ashes slowly falling to ground. My heart dropped as I took in the realization that the lady died. I stared at the lady's purse and I didn't look anywhere else.

I felt my eyes start to water as frustration and sadness overflowed my emotions. As a single tear slid down my cheek, the tear hit Dabi's cheek and stopped. Dabis eyes widened as he realized that I was actually crying.

I grabbed on to his collar of his suit and lifted up his face towards mine. Still sitting on him and looking him straight in the eyes.

"You bastard! Whyy did you do that?!" I screamed at him in pain as I yet witnessed another death cause of him.

He stayed quite and let me yell at him.

"Whyy?" I cried out as more tears dropped down my face.

"She was just trying to help me!!! Why didn't you let her go~?" I said as my voice cracked cause with the pain of my voice.

Dabi hands grabbed my wrists and gently made me let go of his suit. His hands were still slightly warm from his quirk.

"I hate you." I said I started to wipe my tears.

Dabi yet stayed silent and he just watched.

I slowly got off Dabi and stood up. Dabi got up as soon as I got off of him. Dabi walked up to me and grabbed my wrist gently.

"Come with me." He said being surprisingly calm.

"Don't touch me!" I said harshly.

Dabi let go and his hand gestures to move forward. I obeyed and walked forward. We passed the door back to Mr. Campbell. So I started to get confused as to where we going.

We walked up to a unisex bathroom and Dabi walked in first. I slowly trailed behind and still wasn't sure why we here.

There was a nice mirror and a marble sink. Dabi walked up to the sink and waited for me to get to him.

"What are we doing in here?" I asked as I walked up to him.

I was now standing in front of him and the sink to my back. Dabi turned to me and looked into my eyes.

"Jump." Was all that Dabi said.

"Okay?" I did a tiny jump and then looked at him still being confused.

Dabi hands then reached down and grabbed onto the back of my thighs and his face was too close to the end of my dress.

"Again." Dabi said calmly.

I jumped again and Dabi's big hands picked me up and sat me on the side of the sink.

I sat on the sink and immediately closed my legs so Dabi couldn't see up my short dress. He noticed this and had a smirk on his face as he walked over to the paper towels.

Dabi grabbed a few paper towels and walked over to the foist. He turned on the foist and wetted the paper towels.

He took a step over to me and grabbed my knees. He gently moved my legs apart and stood in between them.

"May I?" Dabi asked calmly.

I nodded my head, still not really knowing what I was saying yes too.

His big hands reached to one of my thighs and he grabbed the end of my short dress. Then he slowly pulled my dress up and was revealing more of my skin.

Dabi's hands then stopped and he reached over to the wet paper towels. He grabbed my burned spot on my upper thigh and pressed the paper towel too it.

I was surprised by his caring actions and I watched as he gently pressed the paper towels against me.

(AN: I have no idea what to do when you get burned, so if this is a wrong method then my bad(Because it's the thought that counts.)

I was still mad at Dabi so I didn't even bother saying anything. The room was quite but surprisingly it wasn't awkward or anything. It was kinda peaceful actually.

After a while my burned didn't hurt anymore and I grabbed Dabis hand.

"I doesn't hurt anymore." I said as I moved his hand away.

Dabi didn't say anything and just nodded. He looked like he was thinking about a lot of deep stuff when I moved his hand away.

I nudged myself over to the edge of the sink and was preparing to slide down. But Dabi grabbed my waist and put me down instead. It was kinda weird seeing this side of him and see him so gentle.

Dabi walked to the bathroom door and looked at me as I walked behind him.

"Come on Doll." Dabi said as he opened the door.

We walked up to the door that led to the room where Mr. Campbell waited. Neither of us walked in and I turned to Dabi expecting him to say something.

"Alright Doll, get your pretty ass back in there and finish your deal." Dabi said trying to be a bit lighthearted.

"Do you even know the guys name?" I asked as a genuine question.

"Of course."

"Sure." I said sarcastically as I turned away.

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