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The next morning I actually woke up pretty peacefully, I guess.


I started to wake up to someone poking my cheek. I wasn't sure who it was and when I slowly opened my eyes it was Twice.

"Oh Y/n. Your finally awake. I just wanted to wake ya up cause Dabi said something about having to take you somewhere and he wanted me to wake you up." Twice said as waited for my response.

"What? Noo." I said as I tiredly turned to the other side of the bed I closed my eyes.

"Oh come on. You gotta wake up sooner or later." Twice said as he starred to shake me slightly.

"Uh uh." I said tiredly.

"Fine. I'll just go get Dabi." Twice said as left the room.

I continued to sleep in-till I heard the door open and it slightly woke me up.

"Dumbass." I heard Dabi say in a low voice.

I heard his feet walk up to side of the bed as he just stood there not knowing how to get me to wake up. As I felt his presence just standing there so I decided to say something.

"What... do you want." I said tiredly as I turned over to look at him.

"What the hell. Get your ass out of bed, I have to take you somewhere to meet someone." Dabi said getting slightly annoyed.

"Why?" I said as I covered my face with my blanket.

"You ask too many questions. Whatever, she's really nice...most of the time." Dabi said as he grabbed my blanket off of me.

"When do we have to be there?" I said as I tried to stay snuggle into my pillow.

"In a hour so get your ass out of bed before I go get Toga. She would love to wake you up." Dabi said with slight laugh.

"You wouldn't dare." I said as I got up.

"I would doll. Now hurry up." Dabi said as left the room.

As I finished getting dressed into some old clothes Twice gave me, I started to walk around the hideout. I was mostly looking for Dabi to tell him I'm ready, but I couldn't find him.

I walked up to this one door, assuming it was Dabi's room or someone else's. I started to turn the door knob, but a hand stopped me.

It was Dabi. He had grabbed my hand pulling it away from the door.

"Doll. What do you think your doing snooping around looking for trouble." Dabi said as he let go of mine hand.

"No, I was looking for you." I said as I started to follow him.

"Whatever, let's go now." Dabi said as led the way.

~Time skip~

We made it to a store that looked kinda creepy and old. There was a broken window and an old cat sitting outside the entrance.

Dabi quickly pet the black cat and started to walk in the store. As I slowly followed behind him the cat followed behind me too.

"Hey Scarlet. I'm here." Dabi said as he stepped in.

As we walked in, I looked around the store to see a lot of random stuff. There was some strange books and a lot of random tools. And some random rolled fabric and some paint.

"If isn't my least favorite costumer. Hey staple face, how ya been." A beautiful lady who had a lit cigarette in her mouth and looked to be in their early forty's said as walked up to Dabi and me.

"Haha, very funny." Dabi said sarcastically.

"Wait, who's this? Is this one of your hoes? I'm surprised you kept one. A beauty isn't she." The lady said as she got really close to my face.

I stayed quite as I waited for Dabi to say something.

"No. She's working for me." Dabi said as he corrected the pretty lady.

"Oh I see. Well hi darling. I'm Scarlet. Me and Dabi have known each other ever since he got into this so called career of his. " Scarlet said kindly.

Scarlet was wearing a white blouse that was unbuttoned kinda far down. So she was showing quite a bit of cleavage and was wearing some dress pants with some tall black heels.

(Definitely a Milf)

"Oh nice to meet you." I said as reached out to shake her hand, but she just ignored it.

"Well, why did ya bring the hot babe here for?" Scarlet said as she wondered.

"I hate to ask you this, but let's just say she needs some new clothes for "work". Dabi said being a bit worried.

"Oh don't worry about it! I love getting to play dress up!" Scarlet said as she started to walk towards the back of the store.

"Yeah, that's the problem. Just don't over do it." Dabi said slightly annoyed by the women's excitement.

"Well, first what theme do we got going here. I gotta know to what pick out. You gotta give me details here." Scarlet said as started to go through her closet.

"How do I explain this with out you attacking me." Dabi said with a sigh.

"What, come on. Spit it out. I ain't got all day here." Scarlet said impatiently.

"Well we're gonna be going to a lot of strip clubs to have our meetings, so I kinda need her to fit it with the other women. Also she might have to so call grab certain people's attention." Dabi whispered into Scarlets ear so I couldn't hear.

"Ooooh. Sluty! I LOVE IT!" Scarlet said as if she was a fan girl.

"Calm down." Dabi said as he looked at me looking at some weird book.

It made him slightly laugh as I had a very confused look, as I was looking through the pages of the strange book.

"Come here Darling! I get to have some fun with you!" Scarlet said excitedly as she walked over to me grabbing my waist pulling me I got the back of the store with her.

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