The Poor Taxi Driver

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"A family meeting huh?" Dabi said as he could tell I was lying.


"Dont lie to me." Dabi said as he sat down in my seat.


"That's it now, tell me the actual truth." Dabi said as he relaxed a little bit.

"Let's just say, I may have gotten a bit angry and kicked his dick a few times." I said as I turned my back towards Dabi not wanting to see his reaction.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Dabi said with a slight annoyed tone.

I didn't respond and just waited.

"Why?" Was all Dabi said.

"He said as a woman I need to be more enjoyable to look at and that he wondered why you'd send a woman like me to this job. Soo I showed him why. That's all there's to it." I said shamelessly.

"Come here." Dabi said as he shook his head.

I walked a few steps over to him and looked into his beautiful blue eyes.

Dabi seemed to calm down a tiny bit after I told him what happened but he was still a bit upset.

I stood right in front of him as he was still seated. He slowly stood up from his chair and was inches away from my face.

"Now I want you to understand that I'm glad your not gonna take anybody's shit. But doll you can't just go kicking people in the balls for a few misogynistic comments." Dabi said as he was a being serious.

"But it wasn't just a comment." I defended myself.

"Oh? What else?" Dabi said now actually getting curious.

"He grabbed my ass so I had every right to-." But before I could finish my sentence Dabi interrupted me.

"He what? Im gonna fucking kill that bastard. " Dabi said sounding even more mad.

Dabi then grabbed Mr. Campbells old drink and threw it at the wall. The fancy glass cup shattered as wine stained the wall.

His actions surprised me a little bit and I thought he was still gonna be mad at me.

Dabi suddenly started walking towards the door.

"Let's go Y/n!" Dabi said sounding ticked off.

I followed him out of the club and we happen to get the same taxi driver who drove us first.

"Hey man, I see you and your hot babe are going home tonight." The weird taxi driver said.

Dabi quickly opened the door for me and then slammed the door. As he got inside the taxi he ignored what the taxi driver said.

"Where are we off to tonight? A hotel I'm guessing?" The taxi driver assumed.

Dabi wasn't even speaking so I took it upon myself to answer the stupid mans questions.

"No, why would we be going to a hotel?." I said being confused.

"oh don't play dumb with me, I know what you guys got goin on." The taxi driver said as he tried to read the room.

"Yeah and what's that?" I responded, as I was confused what the hell he was talking about.

Dabi looked at me as if I was stupid.

"Well you know this man doesn't want you just because of your personality. Your lil boyfriend knows what I mean." The taxi driver said.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I said looking at Dabi being mad.

"Right man?" The weird taxi driver said trying to desperately start some sort of conversation.

I didn't know what he was even talking about anymore so I just waited for Dabi to answer this one.

"Just shut the fuck up." Dabi said to the taxi driver

"No need to get mad man. I'm just curious. I'll take that as you guys aren't dating. Just a quick hookup?"

But before Dabi responded he looked at me as if he knew I was gonna be mad. But he looked happy as if he was gonna think my reaction will be funny.

"yeah sure." Dabi said with a slight laugh knowing he was joking.

The silence was so loud.

"No we won't." I said as slapped his arm.

"I mean if you don't want him, I'm totally down baby. Just give me your number and I'll be there in a heart beat." The weird taxi driver said as he looked back in the taxi.

Dabi looked pissed all of a sudden and I was pretty grossed out by this guy.

"If you even put a single hand on her, I will fucking kill you." Dabi said seriously.

"Woah, woah, woah man. I would never try to get with your girl. But if yours is just not doing it right then I'll be down." The taxi driver said slightly suggesting that Dabi had a small dick.

I laughed at his funny comments and I looked a Dabi showing him small with my fingers. 🤏

He didn't say anything and quite literally had no reaction.

"uh whatever you say." Dabi said being unfazed.

He sounded completely serious but I didn't believe him. I just kept thinking about how funny it is that the taxi driver was roasting Dabi for being small.

"No but really, I want your number. Lemme take you out." The taxi driver said.

"Hahaha, that's funny." I said as I thought he was joking.

"Don't worry hot stuff, I'll take you to a real nice place." The taxi driver said getting excited.

"Yea and where's that?"

"I'll let it be a surprise." The taxi driver said.

"Ew." I said as I wanted to throw up.

We finally made it too the hideout and I immediately got out of the stupid taxi.

"Don't forget babe, my number is-." The taxi driver tried to say but I slammed the door on him.

I was quickly walking away from the car leaving Dabi behind. Dabi walked up behind putting his hand around my waist.

"No." I said taking a step away from him.

Dabi immediately listened to me and let go. I then continued to walk without him. He slowly then followed behind me.

But before the taxi driver had drove away he had to say one last thing.

"Hey! Fuck her good or I will for you." The taxi driver yelled at Dabi.

That was his last straw and Dabi immediately got pissed. Before the taxi driver drove away he burned him with bright blue fire. And yet like before there was another who was nothing but ashes.

But when I noticed everything go down, I didn't even turn around to see it. I just continued to walk to the door.

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