No More Children

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As I walked back into the room where Mr. Campbell longly waited for me he looked mad.

"Hey, hold on the bitch got back." Mr. Campbell said to someone on the phone.

"I hope your not talking about me, Mr. Campbell." I said in a cocky tone.

"Oh don't worry, I would never say that to a beauty like you." Mr. Campbell lied.

"I'll trust you this one time." I said as I sat down across him.

Mr. Campbell made a fake laugh and got a pen and paper out.

"Let's just get this over with." I said as I folded my hands on the table.

"Such an impatient young lady." Mr. Campbell said.

"And such a snobby old man." I said not liking the way he was talking to me.

A scoff left his mouth when he slid a piece of paper and pen towards me

"What's this?" I asked curiously.

"Huh, why did your boss have to send a woman like you, It's our deal, of course. Your little boss wants some drugs and you gotta sign this to get them." Mr. Campbell said in a baby like voice.

"What do you mean a girl like me?" I asked getting even more annoyed at this pathetic man.

"Oh ya know, if he was gonna send a woman you could've at least been a bit more attractive. I mean if your gonna make a woman do the job at least make her a bit more enjoyable to look at."

"Excuse me? You little piece of shit." I said as I stood up from my seat.

"Women are so emotional." Mr. Campbell said as he got annoyed.

"Oh you wanna see emotional, I'll show you emotional." I said as started to walk towards him.

"Sit down." Mr. Campbell said trying to be demanding.

"Like I'd listen to you." I said as I continued walking.

"Now, if you take one more step. I'll cancel the deal." Mr. Campbell threaten.

I stopped in my tracks and thought about it for a second. Today literally couldn't have gone worse so why not just add a cherry on top, I thought.

"Fine." I said as I slowly turned around and took one step back towards my seat.

I quickly used my quirk and read his mind to see what he was really thinking. He's bluffing! I new it. That piece of shit actually needs the money. I thought to myself as I turned around.

"Now before I sit back down. I have a question?" I said as stared him in the eyes.

"What is it now." Mr. Campbell said as he started to get annoyed.

"Do you happen to have any children." I asked innocently.

"Why yes I do. I have two lovely sons. James and Phillip. They are about your age." Mr. Campbell said proudly.

"Oh is that so?" I said as I walked closer to him.

He watched my hips sway back and forth as I slowly walked in his direction. His eyes moved from hips up to my breast as they were pressed up in my dress.

As I stood right in front of him, his eyes were focused on my body and my body only.

It was so obvious, I had this pathetic man wrapped around my finger. Yet so quickly too.

His hands reached up slowly and grabbed my ass. I looked him in the eyes with a fake smile.

"One last question?" I said patting his shoulder.

"Go ahead." Mr. Campbell said getting inpatient.

"Do you want more children?" I asked as I knew he would fall in my trap.

"I-." Mr. Campbell stuttered.

I moved my leg up and set my high heel right on his thigh.

Mr. Campbell looked me up and down and responded quickly.

"Hell yeah." He said as he started to get hard at the sight of me.

"Gotcha!" I said to myself as I took this moment to start action.

"Too bad!" I said as moved my shoe towards his crotch.

He looked confused and wonder what I was doing.

I slowly took my foot back and then quickly moved it back right towards dick. And kicked it hard.

"Ha! Would ya look at that. "Men are so emotional" I said as Mr. Campbell fell forward in pain.

He held his crotch as he yelled in pain.

"You stupid bitch!" Mr. Campbell yelled he fell to the ground.

"Yeah, you wanna say that again?" I asked as I saw a body guard walk in.

"Oh shit." I said underneath my breath.

The body guard completely ignored my presence and walked straight over to Mr. Campbell.

"Mr. Campbell are you alright?" The bodyguard questioned.

"That stupid bitch did it." Mr. Campbell struggled to say.

I took a few steps back and saw the bodyguard look me straight in the eyes.

The bodyguard surprisingly didn't say anything and looked back down at Mr. Campbell.

"That's Dabi's girl right?" The bodyguard asked.

"Who the hell do you think it is!" Mr. Campbell said still being in pain.

The bodyguard picked up Mr. Campbell and walked out as if I wasn't even there.

"What the hell." I said as sat back down in my seat.

I thought about how screwed I am now and how Dabi is gonna kill me that I didn't get the deal over with.

I was the only one left in the private room, so I started to pace and walk around.

What felt like an hour go by of thinking Dabi finally came back.

Dabi charged through the entrance and looked pissed.

"Where the hell have you been?" Dabi said as walked over to me.

"I've been here this entire time." I said not wanting to make things worse.

Dabi looked over to where Mr. Campbell should have been sitting yet to his surprise he was gone.

"Where's Mr. Campbell!?" Dabi said and started to slightly yell.

"He left."

"And why's that doll." Dabi said as he got really close to my face.

"Uh, he had to go uh a family emergency." I lied.

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