Chapter Thirteen

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"Alright girls! You know the drill. Start your warmups!"

"Hannah? What's that on Monique's neck?" Athena whispered in Hannah's ear.

"Oh my god!" Hannah murmured loud enough for Coach to here.

"What are you two giggling about now?"

"Uh Coach? Look at Pazzazz's neck."

"What about my neck?" Monique asked innocently.

"Monique!" Coach shouted.

The gym went silent because Coach never picked on only one team member at a time.

"What?" Monique whispered softly.

"Oi! Someone go get me a mirror..." Coach asked impatiently.

"I'll do it!" Hannah exclaimed.

"Thank you."

Once Hannah got the mirror, she held it up for Monique to see.

"What are you guys talking..." that's when Monique saw it. "Oh my god..." she whispered, "I can't believe it. He actually gave me a hickey." Pazzazz was too stunned to be upset.

"Do you want me to have Brennan kick his ass?" Hannah finally broke the silence.

"Hannah! That is not right!" Athena gasped.

"I'm just asking... Jeez."

"Sure you are Hannah." Monique intervened.

"Girls!" coach yelled.

"Sorry," the three replied simultaneously.

"Alright everyone back to work!"

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