Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Believe it or not, there are some nice cheerleaders at the high school. Only those other four made the team girl's lives hell, the rest of them were alright. Ally didn't like everyone on her squad, but she put up with it. Only because she had too. She did have some say as to who was in but not the final say. That was Ms. Blake's vote, and that's how the other girls got on the squad.

The cheerleaders that actually had a heart were everyone but those four devils. But mainly there were four nice girls. These were part of the green and gold crew who weren't as popular. But cheerleaders that dated outside the football team and talked to other people.

Taylor was a sweetheart. She always had a smile on her face, and had the most contagious laugh. She had brains beauty and bran. She had a three-point-o and was a great tumbler. Not to mention big brown eyes and shoulder length layered dark brown hair.

Megan and Lauren, also known as the twins, were one in the same. They even finished each other's sentences; Identical but easy to tell apart. Megan was taller with darker blue eyes, where as Lauren was an inch or two shorter with light blue eyes. Both girls had shoulder length light blond hair and both were beautiful. Like the rest of the cheerleaders. They weren't extremely intelligent, but they slid by. They were also not the best tumblers , however they sure were loud.

Madison was quiet. She didn't say much and was very shy; definitely an unusual quality to find in a cheerleader, but once she was out on the field and the game was going, she could scream her head off. She was smart, like Tille, and a great tumbler, like Kate. Chocolate eyes and long dirty blonde hair that framed her face, made her yet another beautiful cheerleader.

None of these girls cared about social status or how pretty their faces looked. They didn't have fancy cars or low rise jeans. They were just being themselves and being a cheerleader was just a part of them.

Athena and Rachel were sitting in their senior English class. The bell hadn't rung yet, so class hadn't started. They sat next to each other as it was open seating, something students always loved. They always chose the front seats to the right side of the room. This class was the favorite among every student in the school, and it was all because of the teacher.

Jamie and Maya had Algebra two with Jenna. They were sitting next to each other, listening to the announcements. A warn up was on the board and their notebooks were open.

"Jamie..." Maya turned to her. Jamie shakes her head, not looking up at her. "Jamie tell me how to do this one."

"If you did the homework then you'd know how to do it." Said Jamie softly

"I did do the homework..." Said Maya

"You did it with Brooke didn't you," Jenna looked over at the two girls. Maya nodded looking back at her. "And we all know math isn't her best subject."

"Sorry Maya, you're on your own." Jamie continued her warm-up. Maya put her pen down and leaned back in her chair.

"You have to use substitution." Came Taylor's voice from behind her. Maya glanced back with a smile.

"Thanks Taylor." She grabbed her pen again and finishing her warm-up.

"No problem," Said Taylor. She glanced to make sure the teacher wasn't looking before she leaned forward. "Are you guys going to homecoming?" Maya turned back to her.

"Game or dance?" She asked

"Both." Said Taylor

"Maybe to both," Said Maya. She turned to poke Jamie in the shoulder. "Are we going as a group this year?"

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