Chapter One part one

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Chapter One (part one)

Sitting alone at her usual table in the student union of Livermore High was Hannah, a tall senior with short dirty blond hair. She was waiting for her friends and teammates. Unlike most of them, she didn't have a fifth period therefore she had to wait an hour and a half until they were out of class.

Her backpack was lying open next to her on the table. Notebook, open in front of her, with a pen in her hand, she was trying to think of what to write next. She had been brainstorming all day of what should happen next in her story, but so far she had nothing. Slamming down her pen she pulled her backpack closer and started searching through it.

Finally she found what she was looking for, her iPod, and started going though her music trying to find something to play.

She was too busy finding a song that she didn't hear her best friend, Monique, walk up. Monique sat down in front of her, staring, before she grabbed Hannah's notebook. Noticing that her notebook had dissappeared, Hannah looked up seeing it in Monique's hands.

"Hey don't read that! It's not done." Hannah grabbed her notebook back and quickly closing it. Monique rolled her eyes taking off her backpack and putting it on the table next to Hannah's.

"Remember back when you would let me read your writing no matter what shape it was in?" Asked Monique. Hannah put her notebook back into her backpack.

"Where is everyone?" She asked

"Class ended five seconds ago. Give them some time to walk here."

"If class ended 'five seconds ago' then how are you here?" asked Hannah.

Monique pulled a mirror and some lip gloss from her backpack.

"Mr. Thomson let us out early." She applied her lip gloss with perfection.

Everyone that knew Monique also knew that she always had lip gloss in her bag and a mirror to go with it. She had, what seemed to be, a different lip gloss for everyday of the month. Today's selection of choice was a light pink shimmer, no sparkles.

"No, because if Mr. Thomson let you out early then Athena would be here too," Said Hannah.

Monique rubbed her lips together getting an even spread of her lip gloss. "You were with Matthew, weren't you?"

"I would rather spend my time with my boyfriend then in an English class taking some stupid test." Monique looked in her mirror one last time.

"There you are," The door to the student union closed behind Athena, whose long brown hair whipped behind her. She walked toward them.

"You weren't in class." She sat down on the table next to their backpacks.

"She was with Matthew." Said Hannah

"Could have guessed as much," Athena put her hair up, "You missed that test; you know the one worth all those big points."

"Yeah, aren't all the tests worth all the big points? He'll let me make it up." Monique put away her things.

"Not if he finds out you ditched. Which he will." Said Athena

"Then I'll just talk to coach," Said Monique with a shrug, "I mean he is her husband, she could talk him into it."

"You can't go to coach asking her to sweet talk her husband into letting you take a test that you missed because you ditched to be with your boyfriend," said Hannah

"Fine, I won't," Monique looked up at Athena "So was the test easy?"

"Easy if you studied," sighed Athena. A cell phone rang and Hannah stood up taking her phone out of her back pocket.

"So in other words, you think I would have failed anyways?" Asked Monique

"Only because you don't study." Said Athena. Hannah turned to them grabbing her backpack.

"Allyson is going to meet us at the gym guys, let's go." She put her cell phone away

"What?" Asked Monique

"She just texted me. Come on let's go." Said Hannah. The girls grabbed their things and started heading to the gym. They went past the art building and to the quad.

On their way toward the gym, when they saw the girls that made their lives hell.

The cheerleaders.

To the girls they reminded them of Noah's ark. Walking two by two. Sure some of the cheerleaders were alright, but these four, were devils.

There was Tillie, who had to be the smartest cheerleader ever born. She had a four-point-o grade point average, straight A's. Not only was she smart but she was pretty. Long blond hair and the bluest eyes anyone had ever seen. Tillie was the girl that was tutoring half the football team and half the cheer squad. She wasn't the best tumbler but she still wore the green and gold uniform.

Walking next to her was Kate, the best tumbler on the squad. Long brown hair that stopped half way down her back, which matched perfect with her brown eyes. She could do perfect back hand springs all the way down the football field, which was her favorite half-time activity. She was a quick thinker and a smart mouth, according to coach. She was once on the gymnastics team with the girls, but she left for a pair of pom-pom's and a mini skirt.

In front of Kate was Kendal. Now if you looked up "dumb blond" in a dictionary, then you might just see her picture next to the definition. A great cheerleader, but not the brightest star in the sky. Other than fashion and boys she talked of nothing, and even if she did the words that came out of her mouth were just stupid. But of course all the boys loved her blond hair, brown eyes, and tight pants.

Last but not least was the fearless leader, Ally. Yes, she was the cheer captain and the meanest girl in school. Her dirty blond hair and brown eyes made her every boy in the school dream of her. She walked all high and mighty in her black stilettos, as if she were queen of the campus. Which, she thought she was. Everyone did what she said and everyone thought she was perfect. If you weren't in her "crowd" then she didn't know you were even alive. That or she was a bitch to you.

Those mini skirted cheerleaders passed them with a glare, but of course, that was to be expected. They hated gymnasts for reasons unknown. Maybe because they knew they were better tumblers or maybe because they were the only people in the school who threatened their popularity.

Whatever the reason, it was a stupid one. Kate used to be friends with them, but it seemed that once she put the uniform on she hated them.

Rumor around the team was that Ally told Kate to hate them. Because the Kate the team knew wouldn't act like this.

"Come on guys, if we're late coach will kill us." Athena walked faster

"Yeah remember what happened last time you were late Monique?" Asked Hannah.

Monique was looking over her shoulder watching the cheerleaders go by.

"Monique!" Hannah grabbed her arm and dragged her to the gym.

When they arrived at the gym, Allyson and Rachel were already there. Both had their hair tied up and were in their workout sweats. Coach hadn't come in yet, as far as they could tell. They put their things down and headed for the locker room. All the team girls had their lockers right next to each other. Coach had arranged for this, because she thought it would be easier for the girls to get ready this way. And the girls had "suggested" for the lockers to be close together.

Athena opened her locker first pulling out her leotard and sweat pants. She was followed by Hannah and Monique. They quickly changed and left toward the gym.

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