"The Chipmunks Christmas Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)" - Chris, Scott & Ben

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Backstory: The Evans family are having their annual Christmas get together full of fun, presents, food, family, laughter and a little left boob grabbing. This year Chris, Scott, Y/N and her long term boyfriend Ben Barnes decided to put together a number for the family to enjoy, with perhaps a little surprise in store......

Song of the chapter: The Chipmunks Christmas Song (Christmas Don't Be Late) by Alvin and The Chipmunks featuring Dave

Normal font = Dave (Ben)
Bold = Alvin (Chris)
Bold italics = Simon (Scott)
Italics = Theodore (Y/N)
Underlined = The Chipmunks

3rd person POV:

"And now I present to you the musical stylings of Chris, Scott, (Y/N) and Ben in their rendition of 'The Chipmunk Christmas Song'!" Steve, Scott's partner, announced excitedly to the rest of the Evans family as Chris, Scott, (Y/N) and Ben got into position for their performance, costumes on to make them look the part.

Everyone began to clap as the opening chords of the song began.

"Alright you Chipmunks, Ready to sing your song?" Ben began lip syncing, placing his hands on his hips with a questioning look on his face, "I'd say we are," Chris continued with an overly confident nod of his head, getting into character easily, "Yeah, Lets sing it now!" (Y/N) cheered with a small fist bump making everyone laugh including Ben as he broke character for a moment, "Okay, Simon?" Ben asked pointing at Scott as he quickly got back into character, "OK" Scott nodded to him, "Okay, Theodore?" Ben asked (Y/N) , "OK" (Y/N) nodded back at him, "Okay Alvin?...Alvin?...ALVIN!!!" Ben asked Chris only to find him distracted and playing with one of the ornaments on the Christmas tree, making everyone laugh at how distracted he was, "OKAY!!" Chris nodded at Ben, going to stand with his siblings so they could begin 'singing'.

"Christmas, Christmas time is near, time for toys and time for cheer. We've been good, but we can't last, hurry Christmas, Hurry fast." They lip synced in unison, hands on their hips and swaying from side to side with smiles in their faces as Ben nodded along to the beat, at times singing the lines as though he was reminding them of the next line.

"Want a plane that loops the loop," Scott and (Y/N) lip synced together as they swung their connected hands around in a circular motion, creating two loops, "Me, I want a Hula-Hoop." Chris lip synced whilst jumping in front of them and swinging his hips around in a circular motion as though he were hula-hooping, before walking over to (Y/N)'s side so she was in the middle of him and Scott, "We can hardly stand the wait, please Christmas don't be late." They lip synced together wit their arms wrapped around each other swaying from side to side.

During the musical interlude of the song Scott began to lead (Y/N) in a waltz around the room, laughing as they did so, whilst Chris was twirling around, doing the running man and the single ladies dance before they all came back together in formation standing besides Ben to continue the performance. Ben stands off to the side slightly, letting the three have their moment, laughing and smiling along with everyone else, however his eyes never left (Y/N)'s figure, watching as she danced along with her brothers.

"Ok Fellas, Get ready. That was very good, Simon." Ben complimented Scott with a smile, "Naturally!" Scott agreed with an imaginary hair toss before pushing his glasses up his nose, "Very Good Theodore," Ben complimented (Y/N) with a small kiss on the cheek, "He He He He" she giggled into her hands as she blushed for real, not as apart of the act, "Uh Alvin, You were a little flat. So, watch it, Alvin...Alvin?...ALVIN!!!" Ben explained to Chris, shaking his hand from side to side to explain he was a little flat, only to find him once again distracted by the Christmas tree, "So, watch it, Alvin...Alvin?...ALVIN!!!" Ben then 'yelled' capturing his attention, "OKAY!!" Chris 'yelled' snapping back into formation with his siblings.

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