"Baby it's cold outside" - 40's Bucky Barnes

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Backstory: (Y/N) and her beau Bucky are having a date at his place, tonight there just so happens to a blizzard going, (Y/N) needs to get home and is trying to leave but every time she tries, Bucky is there to offer a solution, will she make it home tonight?

Song for the chapter: Baby it's cold outside by Idina Menzel and Michael Bublé, Dean Martin, the Glee cast, or any other version you'd like, these three are personally my favourites.
(In this chapter the song lyrics will be spoken, this will be shown as Bucky in bold and (Y/N) is in italics)

Also if anyone can get through this without singing you are a true champion.

3rd person POV:
Snuggled upon the couch under a blanket was Bucky Barnes and his girlfriend of 6 months (Y/N), they were having a nice night in at his house, his parents and sister out at a family friends house, letting the young couple have the place to themselves for once. Glancing up at the clock (Y/N) noticed it was almost 9:30, having a curfew of 10:00 and knowing it takes at least 25 normally to get home she started to sit up and pull the blanket covering her off so she can gather her stuff.

Sitting up as well Bucky asked her, "What are you doing?" "I really can't stay," she began to tell him, "Baby it's cold outside." He told her cutting her off, "I gotta go away," she tried to tell him, "Baby it's cold outside." He said, cutting her off again, "This evening has been," she began to tell him about what it was like when he cut her off again, "Been hoping that you'd dropped in." He told her with a small smirk on his face, "So very nice." She finished telling him with a sweet smile adorning her face, "I'll hold your hands they're just like ice." He told her grabbing her hands from her lap, cradling them between his two bigger ones, in a way to warm them.

"My mother will start to worry," she told him, still trying leave, "Beautiful what's your hurry?" He told her a smirk crossing his face, "My father will be pacing the floor," she told him trying to get him to listen that she needed to leave, "Listen to the fireplace roar." He told her, unfazed by her previous words, "So really I'd better scurry," she told him pulling her hands from his and turning her face away in an attempt to not give in to him, "Beautiful please don't hurry." He told her turning her face back to him, giving her a smile he knew she couldn't refuse, "Well maybe just a half a drink more." She told him, giving into the smile, hoping this would appease him and he'd let her go afterwards, "I'll put some records on while I pour." He told her happily before sauntering off to the record player, placing one on before going to get them drinks.

"The neighbors might think," she began to say as he was getting them drinks, "Baby it's bad out there." He told her as he returned handing her one of the drinks in his hand before walking over to the window to look outside, "Say what's in this drink?" She asked him after she took a sip, "No cabs to be had out there." He said as he looked out the window to the snowy road, "I wish I knew how," she began to tell him gaining his attention, he began to walk back over to her, "Your eyes are like starlight now." He told her as he sat beside her once again, looking into her eyes making her blush at his sweet talk, "To break this spell." She finished her sentence from earlier shaking her head when he began to move closer to her in his effort to distract her from leaving, "I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell." He complimented her with a smirk adorning his handsome face, "Why thank you." She told him sweetly.

"I ought to say no, no, no sir," She told him with a wiggle of her finger in a 'no' motion which didn't seem to phase him in the slightest, "Mind if move in closer?" He asked her as he slowly inched closer to her, following her every move as she tried to move away from him, "At least I'm gonna say that I tried," she told him, referring to what she'd tell people later on, "What's the sense of hurting my pride?" He asked with a small pout with a hand over his heart, making her swoon just a little more, "I really can't stay," she began to tell him again though he cut her off, "Baby don't hold out," He told her, "Baby it's cold outside." They spoke in unison, Bucky sweetly smiling at her as he said it, while (Y/N) shook her head with a roll of her eyes.

"Ah, you're very pushy you know?" She asked him with a sweet yet cheeky smile on her face, "I like to think of it as opportunistic." He told her with a small shrug of his shoulders making her laugh a little, he smiled loving the sound of her laugh.

"I simply must go," she told him as she began to ride from the couch, going to grab her bag from the chair it rested on, "Baby it's cold outside." He told her as he followed her every move, wrapping his arms around her waist when she tried to move toward the coat rack, "The answer is no." She told him trying to escape his grip, only making him laugh a little at her, giving her a sweet kiss on the cheek, "But baby it's cold outside." He told her as she tried to escape his grip once again, "The welcome has been," she began telling him, trying to find the right words, "How lucky that you dropped in." He told her with a smile, looking into her eyes, "So nice and warm." She finished smiling warmly at him, nothing but love in her eyes, "Look out the window at that storm." He said to her pointing at the window where right outside the snow was coming down heavily.

"My sister will be suspicious," she tells him, looking at him with a raised eyebrow, "Gosh your lips look delicious!" He said in a daze as he looked down at her full lips, making (Y/N) shake her head a little, "My brother will be there at the door," she told him with a pointed look, knowing how her protective her brother was, "Waves upon a tropical shore." He said still in a daze, "My maiden aunt's mind is vicious." She finished with a roll of her eye and shake of her head, "Gosh your lips are delicious!" He replied again, leaning in towards her face more, it seemed like she was going to kiss him until she suddenly pulled her face away, "Well maybe just a cigarette more." She told him once she'd pulled away, a cheeky smile upon her face as he gave a playful glare, "Never such a blizzard before." He told her with a pointed look, "And I don't even smoke." She spoke with a confused look on her face as to why she said that.

"I've got to get home," she said walking away from him having finally escaped his grip, "Baby you'll freeze out there." He told her shaking his head a little, "Say lend me your comb." She said to him looking in the mirror at her hair, hoping to organise it a little before she left for home.

"It's up to your knees out there!" he told her still trying to reason why she shouldn't be out there, "You've really been grand," she told him with a smile, loving this evening, as much as she didn't want it to end she really did have to go, "I feel when I touch your hand." He replied grabbing her hands in his own again, pressing small kisses to both of the making her giggle slightly, "But don't you see?" She asked him, "How can you do this thing to me?" He replied with his own question.

"There's bound to be talk tomorrow," she told him, knowing how situation would spread like wildfire, "Think of my life long sorrow!" He exclaimed softly, giving her a pleading look, "At least there will be plenty implied," she said with a small shrug of her shoulders and a cheeky smirk on her face at the thought of what could be said, "If you caught pneumonia and died!" He told her grabbing her face between his hands to look into her eyes, "I really can't stay," she told him one more time, hoping this time he'd get it, "Get over that old out," He told her with a little smirk, "Baby it's cold," she began saying, a matching smirk adorning her face, "Baby it's cold outside." They said in perfect unison, both smiling widely.

"Okay fine, just another drink then." She told him, finally giving into all his efforts of the night, hopefully her family would listen and understand her when she explains this to them, "That took a lot of convincing!" He told her chuckling a little with her at how long it took her to give in, before he pulled her into a sweet kiss.

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