"Santa Baby" - Derek Hough

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Backstory: This year for Christmas (Y/N) wanted to do something special for her fiancé Derek to repay him for all the touching and romantic things he does for her. Getting his sister Julianne to help she's come up with the perfect present. What will Derek think when he sees what she's got planned?

Song for the chapter: Santa Baby by Ariana Grande (just the version that's used in the video to )
(Outfit up top is what you are wearing during the performance, video is the dance Julianne taught you)

Derek's POV:
Sitting on the couch in the lounge I bounce my leg in anticipation, waiting for my fiancé to bring in my "present" that she's been working so hard on, but hasn't given me a single clue what it could be.

"Are you ready?" I hear my beautiful fiancé call out from somewhere in the house, "More than ready babe," I call back with a smile on my face as I begin to hear heels clicking on the hardwood floors. "Okay," I hear from the entryway to the lounge, turning my head in that direction I see her poking her head around the doorway, "I need you to close your eyes and only open them when you hear music, okay?" She asks me with a shy ad nervous smile on her face, returning her smile I simply say okay before shutting my eyes.

As my eyes close I hear her heels walking into the room then stopping near what I assume is the fireplace. Hearing her take a shaky and nervous breath in I can't help but smile at how adorable she is, knowing whatever it is she has planned when I open my eyes I'm going to love because she gave it to me.

(Play video now, then continue reading)

Hearing the opening notes of 'Santa Baby' I open my eyes, widening them when I take in the outfit she's wearing, letting a shocked smile grow on my face when she begins to dance.

Throughout her dance the smile can't be wiped from my face, growing from shocked to amazed, proud and finally settling on happy, just sitting back and watching how confident and sexy she looked only made me appreciate love her more than I already do.

As she hits her ending pose I can't help by stand up and cheer for her with a massive smile on my face knowing just how nerve wracking that would've been for her. Walking over to her I pull her into my arms giving a big hug and a sweet kiss on the lips, one which she happily reciprocates whilst wrapping her arms around my neck.

Pulling away from the kiss we lean our foreheads against each others just standing their in the middle of our living room wrapped up in each other. "What did you think of your Christmas present?" She asks me with a nervous bite of her lip, "That was the best Christmas present I've ever received, nothing will ever compare to that," I tell her honestly smiling and chuckling a little when she rolls her eyes, letting out a small sarcastic 'of course', "No I'm being serious, that was amazing and I'm going to need to get you dancing some more because you can move!" I tell her, eliciting more soft laughter from the both of us.

"Well the only reason it turned out so good is because Julianne choreographed it and took the time to teach me even if I couldn't tell my right from my left on the first day. I just chose the song and the outfit." She told me making me smile just a little wider at the sweet relationship she has with my sister.

Pulling me into another kiss she whispers against my lips, "Merry Christmas Derek, I love you," making me smile and whisper back, "Merry Christmas (Y/N), I love you too."

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