"Virgin vampires?" - The Mikaelsons

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Backstory: After a long week of work, vampire troubles, werewolf problems and Niklaus being......Niklaus, Y/N decides it's a good idea to have a night in with her boyfriend Kol, best friends Nik and Rebekah where they can drink away all the troubles and stress and ask the vamps so interesting questions...........................

Y/N's POV:
"I have a few questions I've wanted to ask you guys for a while but I've never had the chance to" I state giggling and taking another sip of the drink Kol gave me, after the long week we've had I felt we deserved to have a care free night to just drink our troubles away.

"Well there's no time like the present love, what do you want to know?" Kol asks grinning down at me as we are cuddled together on the love seat, Bekah and Nik sitting on the armchair and couch near us.

"Well I always wanted to know what your favourite decades were? I mean you've lived through so many, but I know it's kinda hard for you and Kol to answer this bekah as you guys were dagered." I state giggling again as Kol tickles me after what I said.

"Well I for one loved the 1800's the art during that period was exquisite and unique period for art, but it shaped the way for art today and gave it the foundation to grow and change for everyone" Nik answers with a soft smile, obviously reminiscing about the art he got to witness.

"I absolutely love the 1920's," Bekah practically squealed "the dresses, the music, the speakeasies, the thrill of getting caught doing something you shouldn't, being one of few people who knew the password to get in, it was fun" she finished with a small smile on her face.

Turning his head to his brother who was preoccupied with running his fingers through my hair Nik posed the question to him, "What about you Kol? Which is your favourite?" Nik asked with a smirk knowing he'd probably not say anything since he was dagered for a long time. Kol turned his head smirked at his brother then turned back to me, smiling softly as I looked up at him curiously "My favourite decade is the one in which this beautiful girl in my arms was born in, because it gave me the love of my life and best friend." Kol said softly as he stared into my eyes with a look full of love,as I stared back at him with the same look.

"That's so cute!" Bekah squealed softly before turning to me "what other questions did you have love?" She asked trying to get back on track and to stop Nik grumbling about how gross it was.

"Right the next two are for Bekah," I began laughing when Kol and Nik both grumbled unhappily, "What was it like wearing all those layers on hot days and who was the worst person you ever slept with?" I finished laughing at the surprised look on her face from the second question, as Kol and Nik both choked on their drinks from what I asked.

"Well it was definitely uncomfortable, all the layers, you'd get sticky and sweaty and with a corset, very uncomfortable" she began leaning back in her seat, whilst Nik nodded at the fact that it was uncomfortable, "And as for the worst person I slept with that's easy, Shakespeare, the way he writes his tragedy's is exactly how he is in bed" she spoke as I leaned forward waiting to hear how this would end, "long and bloody painful to endure." She finishes, smiling as I loose the plot laughing falling back into Kol as I do.

"Oh that's so good Bekah" I say still giggling, taking a sip of my drink I turn more serious as I begin my last question I've been dying to know, "If someone was to be turned when they died as a virgin, would they be able to lose their virginity after they finish their transition or would this be something that they'd lose every time they had sex?" I ask seriously, glancing at all of them.

The only sound in the room was Bekah choking on her drink, Nik had a face full of confusion as he stared at me whilst patting Bekahs back to help her, Kol looked down at me, then my drink, then back to me, "I'll be taking that now." He said as he took my drink away from me, "No more for you love, I think you've had enough." Kol states as he rubs my shoulder in a loving way.

"No I'm being serious I want to know!" I exclaim seriously looking at all of them, they all stare back in slight shock, trying to work out how to answer this question.

"Well I'd think that um, you'd um, I think you'd be able to lose it after transition and just go along normally?" Nik asks as he thinks it over, not really knowing the answer himself.

"Well if you die a virgin and are turned into a vampire you are still able to feel everything, you are able to have your cherry popped as some say and go on about your life, live a long and happy vampire life that is." Elijah states walking into the room grabbing a drink.

All of us sit there shocked at the revelation, Elijah just smirks at us all before he leaves the room again. Nik looks shocked and amused at his older brother whilst Bekah looks slightly surprised and disgusted at the revelation from her older brother.

Kol and I turn to each other shocked, but then smile as we both whisper......


What did you think? I hope it was okay, this was inspired by a conversation I had with my mummas softpagan96 and TheMadisonReader where I asked them "if you die and get turned but where a virgin, are you able to lose your virginity after or do you stay a virgin for the rest of your life?" Elijah and Nik's answers came from myself and Maddy. I hope you enjoyed this and I'll see you soon.

XOXO SamandDean18

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