"Last Christmas" - Harry Potter/ Fred Weasley

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Backstory: After having her heartbroken last Christmas after finally getting the guys she dreamed about, (Y/N) is being a little more cautious this year, wondering if she can really give her heart to a new person without being broken again.

Song for the chapter: Last Christmas by Wham!
(Song lyrics will be in bold italics, also the default house for this imagine is gryffindor, so sorry if this is personally not your house, Sirius is alive because I can do what I want)

3rd person POV:
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
Standing in the silent Gryffindor common room Harry Potter the boy who lived had his arms wrapped around his girlfriend (Y/N)'s waist, the pair embraced in a passionate kiss under the mistletoe. The two had been dating for 8 months though they were friends since the first train journey to Hogwarts.

The young girl had been searching for a compartment when she came across Harry and Ron, the sweet young girl was very thankful when both boys agreed that she could join them, quickly falling into conversation with both boys. When the sorting ceremony came along that night she was quite nervous that she'd be placed into Slytherin, deathly worried that if she were her family would disown her thinking she would turn out like her father Regulus. Noticing the change in mood of his new friend Harry reached out and squeezed her hand to reassure her, sending him a smile she blushed, this was the start of her crush on Harry James Potter.

From then on she was always by his side helping him along with their friends Hermione and Ron, and (Y/N)'s best friends who just happened to be Ron's older siblings Fred and George. As the years went on her crush grew and slowly formed into love, however in her 4th year she began to feel like she'd only be seen as a friend or worse go on for the rest of her life in an unrequited love.

For (Y/N), she was heartbroken to watch Harry fall for Cho Chang, that was when she really thought she'd lost her chance, watching as he talked about her with a little sparkle in his eye, how every time she looked his way he'd have a dopey smile and blush, 'if only that was me' was the constant thought in her head.

When 5th year rolled around (Y/N) thought it'd be the same as last year, she'd be longing for Harry to notice her and return her feelings whilst he longed for Cho Chang, however she was thoroughly surprised when June rolled around and Harry asked her to accompany him to hogsmeade just the two of them, for a date. That date turned into 2, which led to a 3rd, 4th, 5th and so on till the middle of July when he officially asked her to be his girlfriend. She was elated, he finally noticed her, things were finally looking up.

Pulling away from the kiss Harry looked at his girlfriend with a smile, noticing she still had her eyes closed but a massive smile had crossed her face, "No matter how many times we kiss, it always feels magical." She told him when she opened her eyes, grinning when he laughed at her pun, "That right there is why I love you." Harry told her with a sweet smile on his lips, watching as his girlfriends eyes widened upon realising that he'd said the "L" word, "I Love you (Y/N)." "I love you too Harry, so much." She replied back to him before he pulled her into another kiss.

But the very next day you gave it away
Standing in the entryway to the room of requirement (Y/N) could feel her heart breaking as she watched the love of her life kiss the girl he pined after for so long and reassured her he was over, when she noticed how they watched each other in DA meetings.

Dropping her bag which she had returned to the room for in shock and sadness brought the two kissing out of their state to look over and who had made the noise, upon noticing his girlfriends heartbroken expression and the tears that were streaming down her face Harry leaped away from Cho. Noticing that Harry was staring at something behind them she turned as well to see the broken girl standing there in a state of shock causing her to look down, felling bad for what she had done.

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